Estapenss -
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01:08 am
[Link] | MTBEF seems to be a metric your team should be tracking (mean time between epic failures).
I haven't been backed up in so long that I'm convinced your disaster recovery plan is "get fired."
I've been repeatedly sending the lyrics from Eric Carmen's "All By Myself" to syslog for the past couple days. Nobody has noticed.
Career protip: don't act so surprised in front of your coworkers when your menagerie of perl scripts actually works for once.
madness [mædnɪs] n. : Installing a distributed data store on a single node, and expecting something useful to happen.
The sole purpose of this application you built seems to be to take clock cycles and turn them into error logs.
Judging by this /etc/hosts file, your mind is going to be blown when you finally discover DNS.
Looking at the logs generated by that application those contractors wrote, I think /var/log can qualify for assistance from FEMA now.
These iptables rules you've configured here reflect either optimism or incompetence, not sure which.
Monday is my favorite day of the week, because the sysadmins finally look the way I feel.
At what point do I get to claim that my vanilla unpatched 2.4 kernel is "vintage?"
My routes are all messed up, political activists in China have better connectivity than I do right now :(
"Let's see how long we can ignore security updates" wasn't what I had in mind when I suggested that we play a game.