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The stillness of the loud voices

The end of my cries

The turning of dawn

The shadow of farewell

Death, how I long to find Thee


You are my salvation

You are my release

From the pain

Of this world

Death, how I long to find Thee


I miss the stillness

I miss the calmness

But most of all

I miss the feeling

Of tears on my cheeks


When the night seems

To last forever

When the pain

Never stops

I long to find Thee, Lady Death


As trees turn to grey ashes

I have cried my final tears

Not even that comfort

Have I left

I long to find Thee, Lady Death


I want to run away

To forget the pictures

My brain makes me see

But I can’t stop

I long for thy comfort, Lady Death


Please, I beg of you

Let me take my last breath

With dignity

Don’t turn me

Don’t make me into something

I could never be


Pain and anger

Despair and fear

Hate and wrath

Is all I have left

I long for thy comfort, Lady Death


On the brig of madness

On the borderline

Of darkness

Please let me go

With something still alive deep in me


The light in my eyes

Died a long time ago

The warmth in my arms

Have turned cold

Please let me leave


Let me leave

Before the last

Flicker of light

Melts away


Make me a promise

Make me a vow

Let me go

Let me be


Lady Death, I wait for Thee

Lady Death, I long for Thee

Lady Death, only you may

Be able to

Save me now


Loneliness and darkness

Heartbreak and despair

All have it come

And all have it gone

I am alone


I have felt all

The pain

And heard

All the lies

All my myself

I stand alone


So, take me now

Take me away

Let me be

Let me die

So I may live again




/nadja lee/

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