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Jan. 24., 2006 | 06:43 pm
"Hi I'll send you all my music if you can let me have a print.How about that "
Tāpēc, ka pie viena no dienišķajiem zīmējumiem pievienoju tekstiņu: "Beatsystem - Endlessly Downward". Zili brīnumi - kaut ko tādu netiku gaidījis.
Derek Pierce aka Beatsystem
Don't let the name mislead you... I thought "beatsystem"? Sounds like some cheesy one-pattern-drum-machine-techno-wannabe. That's not even remotely accurate. Derek Pierce, who has performed experimental dj sets and lectures throughout the 70's and 80's, is the deft sound constructionist behind this interesting release. Using samples and the CSound program, he is building previously unheard worlds.
Tāpēc, ka pie viena no dienišķajiem zīmējumiem pievienoju tekstiņu: "Beatsystem - Endlessly Downward". Zili brīnumi - kaut ko tādu netiku gaidījis.
Derek Pierce aka Beatsystem
Don't let the name mislead you... I thought "beatsystem"? Sounds like some cheesy one-pattern-drum-machine-techno-wannabe.