PiRX A tut i ja... - Pērle no dienišķā WTF

[info]pirx wrote
on November 9th, 2006 at 10:05 am
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Pērle no dienišķā WTF

Beidzot atradu laiku palasīt dienišķo WTF un komentos atradu PĒRLI

For one client, when I was newly on the project, they set me up with my Unix account.  When I asked what the initial password was, they said "'yoyo'.  we give all new accounts that password.  it's easy to remember since it's root's"

Nospēru Šeit

Un izsauksmes vārds Duthisfäkingsux!

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Date:November 13th, 2006 - 04:32 pm

Во истину ВТФ!

Bet izsauksmes vārds gan man patīk. Es pat, man šķiet, vienu reizi pie sevis tā izsaucos DIB20B.WAD nezin kurā līmenī.

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