Estapenss -
February 16th, 2014
10:13 pm


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Why I am your emergency contact? Because you are the only one who I know who wouldn't hesitate to pull the plug.

I will do it my own order.
1. Buy a wedding dress
2. Birth a child.
3. Die
4. Meet a supercute guy in heaven.

It's like sex, it sometimes better if everything goes terribly wrong.

People who don't have brains or gut to work in the system.

This is not crawling, this is proud begging.

The only reason men start caring of themselves is they are getting somebody to have sex with them. If it was not for that they would just sit at home in their own filth.

I will die a thousand death before I fail you.

Oh monsters, why did I create you?

Sexually frightened know it all

Everything in life is about sex. Except sex.

Give me reasons why you believe in god and I will take them away. One by one, till nothing is left.

I just wish I could start relationship 12 years in when you just goof off, watch TV shows and go to bed without anyone trying am funny business.

Why is anyone anywhere? Why do men build bridges and jets. I was hoping to get laid.

She seems to confuse me with this ridiculous notion that sex and love are somehow connected.

I don't need present. I buy myself all the presents I need and because of my drinking they often come as surprise.

Money is the currency. Personal relationships is money.

He as bad as in sex as I am.

Stress is adiction.

Oh, I can play dead. I watch my all church crew getting eaten by a bear.

Lets go see some naked daughters and moms.

I don't have much personal experience, but when my sims...

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