# -*-s2-*-
layerinfo type = "layout";
layerinfo name = "Opal (Libra OSWD)";
layerinfo lang = "en";

layerinfo author_name = "Ported by Kevin Phillips";
layerinfo author_email = "xevinx@livejournal.com";
layerinfo des = "Based on the Libra and Pasilda design available from Open Source Web Designs. Originally written by whompy.";
layerinfo redist_uniq = "opal/layout";
layerinfo previews = "opal/opal.jpg";

# Properties

propgroup prez = "Presentation";
propgroup prez {

	property use font_base;
	property use font_fallback;
	property string static_font_size { noui = 1; }
	property string static_font_measurement { noui = 1; }
	property use page_recent_items;
	property use page_friends_items;
	property use use_shared_pic;
	property use view_entry_disabled;

	property bool show_entry_userpic {
		des = "Always display userpic?";

	property int summary_items {
		des = "Summary Items";
		note="Maximum number of items in the Page Summary list.  Set to 0 to turn off the Page Summary.  Set to 100 to show all available items.";

	property bool use_count {

	set static_font_size = "12";
	set static_font_measurement = "px";
	set summary_items = 100;
	set show_entry_userpic = false;
	set font_fallback = "sans-serif";

propgroup colors = "Colors";

propgroup colors {
	property Color color_bg {
		des = "Background Color";

	property Color color_bg_font {
		des = "Background Font Color";
		note = "The color of any font appearing on the background color.";

	property Color color_med {
		des = "Page Holder Background";
		note = "This is the background of the main body, but within the outer borders.";

	property Color color_med_font {
		des = "Page Holder Font Color";
		note="The color of the font appearing on the Page Holder Background color.";

	property Color color_fg {
		des = "Content Background Color";
		note = "This is the background to the main content where the entries and side elements are.";

	property Color color_fg_font {
		des = "Content Font Color";
		note = "The color of the font that appears on in the main Content area.";

	property Color color_link {
		des = "Link Color";

	property Color color_visited {
		des = "Visited Link Color";

	set color_bg = "#2d3851";
	set color_bg_font = "#ffffff";
	set color_med = "#7C8AA4";
	set color_med_font = "#e9f2fc";
	set color_fg = "#BFC4CB";
	set color_fg_font = "#333333";

propgroup text = "Text";
propgroup text {

	property string free_text_header {
		des = "Free Text Header";

	property string free_text_text {
		des = "Free Text Text";
		cols = 30;
		rows = 10;

	property string links_header {
		des = "Links Header";

	property string page_summary_title {
		des = "Page Summary Header";

	property use text_view_userinfo;
	property use text_view_recent;
	property use text_view_friends;
	property use text_view_archive;
	property string text_forward {
		des = "Text to show in a link to skip forward through entries";
	property string text_back {
		des = "Text to show in a link to skip backward through entries";
	property use text_read_comments;
	property use text_read_comments_friends;
	property use text_post_comment;
	property use text_post_comment_friends;
	property use text_comment_reply;
	property use text_reply_back;
	property use text_nosubject;
	property use text_noentries_day;
	property use text_meta_music;
	property use text_meta_mood;

	set page_summary_title = "Page Summary";
	set links_header = "Links";
	set free_text_header = "About this journal";
	set free_text_text = "";
	set text_back = "Back";
	set text_forward = "Forward";

set tags_aware = true;

# Prop Init

function prop_init ()  {
	if($*color_bg.as_string == "") { $*color_bg = "#000000"; }
	if($*color_fg.as_string == "") { $*color_fg = "#000000"; }
	if($*color_fg_font.as_string == "") { $*color_fg_font = "#000000"; }

# Stylesheet

function getAltColor (Color color, string dir, int num) : Color {
	var int lt = $color->lightness();
	if($dir == "light") {
		if($lt > 200) {
			$color = $color->darker($num);
		} else {
			$color = $color->lighter($num);
	} elseif($dir == "dark") {
		if($lt < 55) {
			$color = $color->lighter($num);
		} else {
			$color = $color->darker($num);
	return $color;

function print_stylesheet ()  {

	var Color color_bg_lt = getAltColor($*color_bg, "light", 30);
	var Color color_fg_dk = getAltColor($*color_fg, "dark", 20);
	var Color color_fg_dk_font = getAltColor($*color_fg_font, "dark", 20);
	var Color color_divider = getAltColor($color_fg_dk, "dark", 30);
	var Color color_fg_dk_dk_font = getAltColor($color_fg_dk, "dark", 50);
	var Color color_border = getAltColor($*color_bg, "light", 90);
	var string base = ($*font_base != "") ? "$*font_base, " : "";

	body { 
		font-family: $base $*font_fallback;
		background-color: $*color_bg;
		margin: 10px;
	.border4 { border: 1px solid $*color_bg; }
	.border3 { border: 1px solid $*color_fg; }
	.border2 { border: 2px solid $color_border; }

	if($*color_link.as_string != "") {
	A { color: $*color_link; }

	if($*color_visited.as_string != "") {
	A:Visited { color: $*color_visited; }
	#bodycontent { background-color: $*color_med; border: 1px solid $*color_bg; padding: 3px; }
	#headerinfo {
		background-color: $*color_bg;
		color: $*color_bg_font;
		text-align: right;
		font-size: 10px;
		padding: 2px;
		margin-top: 1px;
	#header { color: $*color_med_font; }
	#header h3 { font-weight: normal; }
	#userpic { float: right; }

	.userpic2 {
		float: right;
		text-align: right;
		margin-top: 2px;
		margin-right: 3px;
	#nav {
		white-space: nowrap;
		margin-bottom: 10px;
		font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement;
	#nav A {
		border: 1px solid $*color_bg;
		padding-left: 10px;
		padding-right: 10px;
		padding-top: 2px;
		padding-bottom: 2px;
		height: 20px;
		text-decoration: none;
		color: $*color_bg_font;
		background-color: $color_bg_lt;
	#nav A:Hover { background-color: $*color_bg; }	
	#content {
		background-color: $*color_fg;
		border: 1px solid $color_fg_dk;
		padding: 4px;
	.columncontent { 
		background-color: $color_bg_lt; 
		border: 1px solid $*color_bg; 
		padding: 3px; 
		width: 200px; 
		font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement;
		color: $*color_bg_font;
	.columnitem {
		background-color: $color_fg_dk;
		padding: 3px;
		margin-top: 5px;
		color: $*color_fg_font;
		border-top: 1px solid $color_divider;
		border-bottom: 1px solid $color_divider;
		overflow: hidden;

	.entries { color: $*color_fg_font; }
	.entrydivider {
		border-top: 1px solid $color_divider;
		border-bottom: 1px solid $*color_fg;

	.minicomment {
		background-color: $color_fg_dk;
		padding: 4px;
		color: $*color_fg_font;
		border: 1px solid $*color_fg;
		font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement;
	.minicommentholder { border: 1px solid $color_divider; }

	.entryinfo {
		background-color: $color_fg_dk;
		font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement;
		padding: 4px;
		color: $*color_fg_font;

	.postedby {
		background-color: $color_fg_dk;
		padding: 6px;
		font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement;

	.entrylinks {
		border-bottom: 1px solid $*color_fg;
		background-color: $color_fg_dk;
		padding-top: 4px;
		padding-bottom: 4px;
		font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement;
	.entrylinks A {
		text-decoration: none;
		padding-top: 4px;
		padding-bottom: 4px;
		white-space: nowrap;
		color: $*color_fg_font;
		border-right: 1px solid $*color_fg;
	.entrylinks A:Hover {
		background-color: $*color_fg;

	.messageholder {
		border: 1px solid $*color_bg;;
		margin-bottom: 5px;
		margin-top: 5px;

	.systemmessage {
		background-color: $color_bg_lt;
		color: $*color_bg_font;
		border: 1px solid $color_border;
		font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement;
	.systemtext { 
		font-weight: normal;
		padding-left: 10px;
		padding-right: 10px;

	.systemmessage A {
		text-decoration: none;
		padding-left: 10px;
		padding-right: 10px;
		color: $*color_bg_font;
		padding-top: 4px;
		padding-bottom: 4px;
	.systemmessage A:Hover {
		background-color: $*color_bg;

	.systemmessage input, .systemmessage textarea, .systemmessage select {
		background-color: $*color_fg;
		color: $*color_fg_font;

	.systemmessage TD {
		padding: 4px;
		font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement;
		color: $*color_bg_font;

	.entry { margin-bottom: 30px; }
	.entrytext { margin: 10px; }
	.subject { font-weight: bold; }
	.meta {
		font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement;
		padding: 4px;

	.meta A {
		text-decoration: none;
		color: $*color_link;
	.systemmessage A:Hover {
		background-color: $*color_bg;

	#sidecolumn TD { color: $*color_bg_font; }

	#sidecolumn A {
		text-decoration: none;
		color: $*color_fg_font;

	.sidetd {
		width: 200px;

	.backtop {
		text-align: right;

	.backtop A {
		color: $*color_fg_font;
		font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement;
		text-decoration: none;
		padding-bottom: 1px;

	#cal A {
		text-decoration: none; 
		color: $*color_fg_font;

	.calrow {
		clear: both;
		font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
	.calempty {
		width: 24px;
		font-size: 11px;
		margin: 1px;
		float: left;

	.calactitem {
		float: left;
		margin: 1px;
		width: 23px;
		font-size: 11px;
		text-align: center;
		background-color: $color_fg_dk;
		border-right: 1px solid $color_bg_lt;
		border-bottom: 1px solid $color_bg_lt;

	.calinitem {
		float: left;
		margin: 1px;
		width: 23px;
		font-size: 11px;
		text-align: center;
		border-right: 1px solid $color_fg_dk;
		border-bottom: 1px solid $color_fg_dk;
	.friendcolor {
		width: 10px;
		height: 10px;
		border: 2px solid $*color_fg;

	.multiform {
		font-weight: bold;

	.ip {
		color: $color_fg_dk_dk_font;

	.friendname {
		padding: 4px;
		text-decoration: none;
		border-left: 1px solid $*color_fg;
		border-right: 1px solid $*color_fg;

	.bigday {
		font-size: 2em;
		color: $color_fg_dk;
		float: left;
		font-weight: bolder;

	.notablemessage {
		padding: 4px;


# Global functions

function generateDots (string un)  : string {
	var string dots;
	if($un != "") {
		foreach var string s ($un)  {
			if($s == "a" or $s == "c" or $s == "e" or $s == "f" or $s == "h" or $s == "k" or $s == "m" or $s == "n" or $s == "p" or $s == "r" or $s == "t" or $s == "v" or $s == "x" or $s == "z") {
				$dots = $dots + ":";
			} elseif($s == " ") {
				$dots = $dots + " ";
			} else {
				$dots = $dots + ".";
	return $dots;

function print_box (string header, string text)  {

								<div class="border4">
									<div class="border3">
										<div class="border2">
											<div class="columncontent">
	print safe """<strong>$header</strong>""";
	print safe """$text""";

								<br />

function box_item (string text) : string {
	return """<div class="columnitem">$text</div>\n""";

function num_comments_in_thread (Comment[] comments)  : int {
    var int total = 0;
    foreach var Comment c ($comments) {
	$total = $total + 1;
        if (size $c.replies > 0) {
            $total = $total + num_comments_in_thread($c.replies);
    return $total;

# Layout specific functions

function Page::lay_print_userpic() {
	if(defined $.journal.default_pic) {
				<div id="userpic"><a href="$*SITEROOT/allpics.bml?user=$.journal.username"><img src="$.journal.default_pic.url" width="$.journal.default_pic.width" height="$.journal.default_pic.height" alt="$.journal.name" title="$.journal.name" border="0" /></a></div>

function Page::lay_print_username ()  {

	var string dots = generateDots($.global_title);

				<div id="headerinfo">
					$.journal.username <br /> $dots

function Page::lay_print_header ()  {
	var string title = $this->title();
				<div id="header">
					<div id="nav">

	foreach var string v ($.views_order) {
		println "<a href=\""+$.view_url{$v}+"\">"+lang_viewname($v)+"</a>";

	var string website;
	if($.journal.website_url != "") {
		$website = """<a href="$.journal.website_url">$.journal.website_name</a>""";


function Page::lay_print_freetext ()  {
	if($*free_text_text != "") {
		var string text = box_item($*free_text_text);
		print_box($*free_text_header, $text);

function Page::print_linklist() {
	if (size $.linklist <= 0) {
	var string links;
	foreach var UserLink l ($.linklist) {
		if ($l.title) {
			if ($l.is_heading) {
				$links = $links + """<div style="margin-top: 4px;"><strong>$l.title</strong></div>""";
			} else {
				$links = $links +  box_item("""<a href="$l.url">$l.title</a>""");

	print_box($*links_header, $links);

function Page::lay_print_calendar ()  {
	var YearMonth m = $this->get_latest_month();
	var string mon = $m->month_format();
	var string text;
	$text = """
			<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%">""";
	foreach var YearWeek w ($m.weeks) {
		$text = $text + """
		if($w.pre_empty > 0) {
			foreach var int empty (1..$w.pre_empty)  {
				$text = $text + """
					<td class="calempty">&nbsp;</td>""";
		foreach var YearDay d ($w.days) {
			if($d.num_entries > 0) {
				$text = $text + """
					<td class="calactitem"><a href="$d.url">$d.day</a></td>""";
			} else {
				$text = $text + """
					<td class="calinitem">$d.day</td>""";
		$text = $text + "</tr>\n";
	$text = $text + "</table>";
	print_box($mon, $text);

function Page::lay_entry_nav (Entry e)  : string {

	var string line;
	var string date;
	if($e.new_day) {
		$date = $e.time->date_format("short");
	var string time = $e.time->time_format();
	var string subject = ($e.subject != "") ? " :: $e.subject" : """ :: <i class="nosubject">$*text_nosubject</i>""";
	var string j = ($.view == "friends" and $e.journal.username != $e.poster.username) ? " : $e.journal " : "";
	var string item = ($.view == "friends" or $e.journal.username != $e.poster.username) ? $e.poster->as_string() + """$j <a href="#item""" + $e.itemid + """\">""" : """<a href="#item""" + $e.itemid + """\"><strong>$date $time</strong>""";
	$line = """<div class="columnitem">$item $subject</a></div>""";

	return $line;

function Page::lay_print_summary ()  {
	#blank because there's shouldn't be a box if there's nothing specific about the page.

function RecentPage::lay_print_summary ()  {
	var int count = $*summary_items;
	if($count == 0) { return; }

	var string text;
	foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {
		if($count > 0) {
			$text = $text + $this->lay_entry_nav($e);
		$count = $count - 1;
	if($text != "") {
		if($count < 0) {
			$count = $count * -1;
			$text = $text + """<div style="margin-top: 4px;"><strong>+$count more</strong></div>""";
		print_box($*page_summary_title, $text);

function EntryPage::lay_print_summary ()  {
	var int count = $*summary_items;
	if($count == 0) { return; }

	var string text;
	$text = $this->lay_entry_nav($.entry);
	$count = $count - 1;

	foreach var Comment c ($.comments)  {
		if($count > 0) {
			var string subject = ($c.subject != "") ? $c.subject : """<i class="nosubject">$*text_nosubject</i> """;
			$text = $text + """<div class="columnitem">$c.poster :: <a href="#$c.anchor">$subject</a>""";
			var int num = num_comments_in_thread($c.replies);
			if($num > 0) {
				$text = $text + " [+" + string($num) + "] ";
			$text = $text + """</div>""";
		$count = $count - 1;

	if($text != "") {
		if($count < 0) {
			$count = $count * -1;
			$text = $text + """<div style="margin-top: 4px;"><strong>+$count more</strong></div>""";
		if($count != ($*summary_items - 1)) {
			print_box($*page_summary_title, $text);

function YearPage::lay_print_summary ()  {
	var int count = $*summary_items;
	if($count == 0) { return; }

	var string text;
	var int num_entries;
	foreach var YearMonth m ($.months) {
		if($count > 0) {
			var string mon = $m->month_format();
			if($m.has_entries) {
				$num_entries = 0;
				foreach var YearWeek w ($m.weeks) {
					foreach var YearDay d ($w.days) {
						$num_entries = $num_entries + $d.num_entries;
				$text = $text + """<div class="columnitem"><a href="#anchor$m.month">$mon [$num_entries entries]</a></div>""";
		$count = $count - 1;
	if($text != "") {
		if($count < 0) {
			$count = $count * -1;
			$text = $text + """<div style="margin-top: 4px;"><strong>+$count more</strong></div>""";
		print_box($*page_summary_title, $text);


function MonthPage::lay_print_summary ()  {
	var int count = $*summary_items;
	if($count == 0) { return; }

	var string text;
	foreach var MonthDay d ($.days) {
		if($count > 0) {
			var string day = lang_ordinal($d.day);
			if ($d.has_entries) {
				$text = $text + """<div class="columnitem"><a href="#anchor$d.day">$day [$d.num_entries entries]</a></div>""";

	if($text != "") {
		if($count < 0) {
			$count = $count * -1;
			$text = $text + """<div style="margin-top: 4px;"><strong>+$count more</strong></div>""";
		print_box($*page_summary_title, $text);

function DayPage::lay_print_summary ()  {
	var int count = $*summary_items;
	if($count == 0) { return; }
	var string text;
	foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {
	    $text = $text + $this->lay_entry_nav($e);

	if($text != "") {
		if($count < 0) {
			$count = $count * -1;
			$text = $text + """<div style="margin-top: 4px;"><strong>+$count more</strong></div>""";
		print_box($*page_summary_title, $text);

function Page::lay_print_subnav ()  {

function RecentPage::lay_print_subnav ()  {
	var string back;
	if($.nav.backward_url != "") {
		$back = """<a href="$.nav.backward_url">$*text_back</a>""";
	} else {
		$back = "&nbsp;";
	var string forward;
	if($.nav.forward_url != "") {
		$forward = """<a href="$.nav.forward_url">$*text_forward</a>""";
	} else {
		$forward = "&nbsp;";

	var int start = $.nav.skip;
	var int end = $.nav.skip + size $.entries;
	var string text = "Viewing $start - $end";
								<div class="messageholder"><div class="systemmessage">
								<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
										<td width="15%">$back</td>
										<td width="70%" align="center">$text</td>
										<td width="15%" align="right">$forward</td>

function DayPage::lay_print_subnav ()  {
	var string back;
	if($.prev_url != "") {
		$back = """<a href="$.prev_url">$*text_back</a>""";
	} else {
		$back = "&nbsp;";
	var string forward;
	if($.next_url != "") {
		$forward = """<a href="$.next_url">$*text_forward</a>""";
	} else {
		$forward = "&nbsp;";
	var string text = $.date->date_format("long");

								<div class="messageholder"><div class="systemmessage">
								<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
										<td width="15%">$back</td>
										<td width="70%" align="center">$text</td>
										<td width="15%" align="right">$forward</td>


function Page::lay_print_sidebar ()  {

function Page::lay_make_username(Entry e) {
		<div class="entryinfo">
		<div class="entrydivider"></div>

function FriendsPage::lay_make_username (Entry e) {
	var Friend f = $.friends{$e.journal.username};
	var string url = $e.poster->base_url();
		<div class="entryinfo">
			<a href="$url/" class="friendname" style="color: $f.fgcolor; background-color: $f.bgcolor;">$e.poster.username</a>
	if($e.poster.username != $e.journal.username) {
		""" $e.journal""";
		<div class="entrydivider"></div>

function Page::print_entry (Entry e)  {

	print """<a name="item""" + $e.itemid + """\"></a>""";
	var string time = $e.time->time_format();
	var string date = $e.time->date_format();
	var string security;
	if ($e.security != "") {
		$security =  """<img src="$e.security_icon.url" align="right" """+
		"""width="$e.security_icon.width" height="$e.security_icon.height" """+
		"""alt="[$e.security]" />""";

	var UserLite name;
	var string pname;

	var bool show_name = ($.view == "friends" or $e.poster.username != $.journal.username or $.view == "entry") ? true : false;
	var bool show_pic = (defined $e.userpic and ($.view == "friends" or $*show_entry_userpic or $e.poster.username != $e.journal.username or $.view == "entry")) ? true : false;

									<div class="entry">
										<div class="entrydivider"></div>
	if($show_pic) {
			<div class="userpic2">
				<a href="$*SITEROOT/allpics.bml?user=$e.poster.username"><img src="$e.userpic.url" width="$e.userpic.width" height="$e.userpic.height" alt="$e.poster.name [userpic]" title="$e.poster.name [userpic]" border="0" /></a>

	if($show_name) {
										<div class="entryinfo">$security $date $time</div>
										<div class="entrydivider"></div>
										<div class="entrylinks">


	foreach var string key (["edit_entry","edit_tags","mem_add","tell_friend"]) {
		var Link link = $e->get_link($key);
		if ($link) {
			"""<a href=\"$link.url\"> &nbsp; $link.caption &nbsp; </a>""";
	"""<a href="$e.permalink_url"> &nbsp; $*text_permalink &nbsp; </a>
										<div class="entrytext">
											<div class="subject">$e.subject</div>


									<div class="backtop"><a href="#top">back to top</a></div>

function CommentInfo::print() {
    if ($.enabled) {
        if ($.count > 0 or $.screened) {

function CommentInfo::print_postlink() {
    var Page p = get_page();
    "<a href=\"$.post_url\"> &nbsp; "+($p.view == "friends" ? $*text_post_comment_friends : $*text_post_comment)+" &nbsp; </a>";

function CommentInfo::print_readlink {
    var Page p = get_page();
    "<a href=\"$.read_url\"> &nbsp; "+
        get_plural_phrase($.count, $p.view == "friends" ? 
                          "text_read_comments_friends" : "text_read_comments")+
    " &nbsp; </a>";

# EntryPage and Comments

function EntryPage::print_body() {
	"""<div class="entries">""";
	if ($this.multiform_on) {

	if ($.entry.comments.count > 0) {
										<div class="messageholder"><div class="systemmessage"><div class="notablemessage "><b>Comments</b></div></div></div>
	if ($.comment_pages.total_subitems > 0) {

	if ($.entry.comments.enabled) {

	if ($.entry.comments.count > 0) {
										<div class="messageholder">
											<div class="systemmessage">
												<div class="notablemessage ">


	if ($.comment_pages.total_subitems > 0) {

	if ($this.multiform_on and ($.entry.comments.count > 0)) {
										<div class="messageholder">
											<div class="systemmessage">
												<div class="notablemessage ">
												<div class="multiform">

function EntryPage::print_comments(Comment[] cs) {
	if (size $cs == 0) { return; }
	foreach var Comment c ($cs) {
		if ($c.full) {
		} else {

function EntryPage::print_comment(Comment c) {
	var string datetime;
	$datetime = $c.time->date_format()+", " + $c.time->time_format();
	var string parent;
	var string thread;
	if($c.parent_url != "") {
		$parent = """<a href="$c.parent_url"> &nbsp; $*text_comment_parent &nbsp; </a>""";
	if($c.thread_url != "") {
		$thread = """<a href="$c.thread_url"> &nbsp; $*text_comment_thread &nbsp; </a>""";
	var string subjecticon;
	if (defined $c.subject_icon) {
		$subjecticon = """<img src="$c.subject_icon.url" width="$c.subject_icon.width" height="$c.subject_icon.height" alt="" />""";

	var string ip;
	if ($c.metadata{"poster_ip"}) { 
		$ip = """ &nbsp;  """ + $c.metadata{"poster_ip"}; 

	var string poster = defined $c.poster ? $c.poster->as_string() : "<b>(Anonymous)</b>";

	var string pic;
	if (defined $c.userpic and $*comment_userpic_style != "off") {
		$pic = """<div class="userpic2"><img src="$c.userpic.url" width="$c.userpic.width" height="$c.userpic.height" alt="" /></div>""";

	var string indent = ($c.depth - 1) * 25 + "px";

                <div id='$c.dom_id'>
		<a name='$c.anchor'></a>
		<div class="entry" style="margin-left: $indent;">
			<div class="entrydivider"></div>
			<div class="postedby">$poster  <span class="ip">$ip</span></div>
			<div class="entrydivider"></div>
			<div class="entryinfo">$subjecticon $datetime</div>
			<div class="entrydivider"></div>

	if ($.multiform_on) {
		"""<div class="entryinfo"><label for="ljcomsel_$c.talkid">$*text_multiform_check</label> """; 
			<div class="entrydivider"></div>

    var string replyurl;
    if ($c.frozen) {
        $replyurl = """<a href="javascript://"> &nbsp; $*text_comment_frozen &nbsp; </a>""";
    } else {
        $replyurl = """<a href="$c.reply_url"> &nbsp; $*text_comment_reply &nbsp; </a>""";
			<div class="entrylinks">

    # some links for doing stuff to this comment
    foreach var string k ($c.link_keyseq) {
        var Link link = $c->get_link($k);
        if ($link) {
            """<a href=\"$link.url\"> &nbsp; $link.caption &nbsp; </a>""";
                <a href="$c.permalink_url"> &nbsp; $*text_permalink &nbsp; </a>$parent$thread
			<div class="entrytext">
				<div class="subject">$c.subject</div>

	if ((size $c.replies) > 0 and $c.replies[0].full == false) {
            """<div style="margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: 5px; clear: both;">\n""";

		<div class="backtop"><a href="#top">back to top</a></div>

    if ((size $c.replies) > 0 and $c.replies[0].full == true) {


function EntryPage::print_comment_partial(Comment c) {
	var string poster = defined $c.poster ? $c.poster->as_string() : "<i>(Anonymous)</i>";
	var string subj = $c.subject != "" ? $c.subject : """<i class="nosubject">$*text_nosubject</i>""";
	var string indent = ($c.depth - 1) * 25 + "px";
			<div class="entry" style="margin-left: $indent;"><div class="minicommentholder"><div class="minicomment">$poster - <a href="$c.permalink_url">$subj</a></div></div></div>

function ItemRange::print() {
	if ($.all_subitems_displayed) { return; }
		<div class="messageholder"><div class="systemmessage"><div class="notablemessage ">
	print lang_page_of_pages($.current, $.total);
	"</b> &mdash; ";
	foreach var int i (1..$.total) {
		if ($i == $.current) { """<b class="systemtext">[$i]</b>""";
		} else { 
			var string url_of = $this->url_of($i);
			"<a href='$url_of'><b>[$i]</b></a>";

# ReplyPage

function ReplyPage::print_body() {

	var EntryLite e = $.replyto;
	var string poster = defined $e.poster ? $e.poster->as_string() : "<i>(Anonymous)</i>";
	var string datetime;
	var string time = $e.time->time_format();
	var string date = $e.time->date_format();

	var UserLite name;
	if(defined $e.userpic and $*comment_userpic_style != "off") {
		$name = $e.poster;
		"""<div class="userpic2">""";
		if (defined $e.userpic or (defined $e.userpic and $.view == "entry" and $*show_entry_userpic)) {
			"""<img src="$e.userpic.url" width="$e.userpic.width" height="$e.userpic.height" alt="" />""";
		"""									</div>""";
									<div class="entry">
										<div class="entrydivider"></div>
										<div class="entryinfo">$name</div>
										<div class="entrydivider"></div>
										<div class="entryinfo">$time $date</div>
										<div class="entrydivider"></div>
										<div class="entrylinks">
										<a href="$.entry.comments.read_url" class="comments">$*text_reply_back</a>""";

	foreach var string key (["edit_entry","mem_add","tell_friend"]) {
		var Link link = $e->get_link($key);
		if ($link) {
			"""<a href=\"$link.url\">$link.caption</a>""";
	"""<a href="$e.permalink_url">$*text_permalink</a>

										<div class="entrytext">
											<div class="subject">$e.subject</div>
										<div class="messageholder"><div class="systemmessage">

function Entry::print_metadata() {
    var string caption;
    var string val;
    var Image i;
    if ($this.tags) {
        """<div class="meta">""";
        print $this->get_tags_text();
    if (size $.metadata == 0) { return; }
    foreach var string k ($.metadata) {
        $caption = $k;
        $val = $.metadata{$k};
        if ($k == "music") {
            $caption = $*text_meta_music;
        elseif ($k == "mood") {
            $caption = $*text_meta_mood;
            if (defined $.mood_icon) {
                $i = $.mood_icon;
                $val = """<img src="$i.url" width="$i.width" height="$i.height" alt="$val" title="$val" /> $val""";
        println """<div class="meta">$caption: $val</div>""";

# RecentPage

function RecentPage::print_body ()  {
								<div class="entries">

	foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {


# YearPage

function YearPage::print_body {
    """<div id="cal">""";
    foreach var YearMonth m ($.months) {

function YearPage::print_year_links() {
    """<div class="messageholder"><div class="systemmessage"><div class="notablemessage">""";
    foreach var YearYear y ($.years) {
        if ($y.displayed) {
            """<b class="systemtext">$y.year</b>""";
        } else {
            """<b><a href="$y.url"> &nbsp; $y.year &nbsp; </a></b>""";

function YearPage::print_month(YearMonth m) {
	if (not $m.has_entries) { return; }

			<a name="anchor$m.month"></a>
			<div class="entry">
			<div class="entrydivider"></div>
			<div class="entryinfo">

	print $m->month_format();

			<div class="entrydivider"></div>
			<div class="entrylinks"><a href="$m.url"> &nbsp; $*text_view_month &nbsp; </a></div>
			<div class="entrytext">
			<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">

	foreach var int d (weekdays()) {
					<td width="14%"><div class="bigday">$*lang_dayname_short[$d]</div></td>
	foreach var YearWeek w ($m.weeks) {
			<div class="backtop"><a href="#top">back to top</a></div>


function YearWeek::print() {
	if ($.pre_empty > 0) {
					<td colspan="$.pre_empty"></td>

	foreach var YearDay d ($.days) {
		var string day = zeropad($d.day, 2);
						<div class="bigday">$day</div>
		if ($d.num_entries > 0) {
			var string num = $d.num_entries < 10 ? "&nbsp;" + string($d.num_entries) : string($d.num_entries);
						<div class="calactitem"><a href="$d.url">$num</a></div>

# MonthPage

function MonthPage::view_title : string {
    return $.date->date_format($*lang_fmt_month_long);

function MonthPage::print_body {
	"<form method='post' action='$.redir.url'>";
	var string back;
	var string forward;
	if ($.prev_url != "") { $back = """<a href="$.prev_url">$*text_back</a>"""; }
	if ($.next_url != "") { $forward = """<a href="$.next_url">$*text_forward</a>"""; }
	var string select;
	if (size $.months > 1) {
		$select = "<select name='redir_key'>\n";
		foreach var MonthEntryInfo mei ($.months) {
		    var string sel;
		    if ($mei.date.year == $.date.year and $mei.date.month == $.date.month) {
			$sel = " selected='selected'";
		    $select = $select + "<option value='$mei.redir_key'$sel>" + $mei.date->date_format($*lang_fmt_month_long) + "</option>";
		$select = $select + "</select>\n<input type='submit' value='View' />";

					<div class="messageholder"><div class="systemmessage">
						<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
								<td width="15%">$back</td>
								<td align="center" width="70%">$select</td>
								<td align="right" width="15%">$forward</td>
	foreach var MonthDay d ($.days) {
		if ($d.has_entries) {
					<a name="anchor$d.day"></a>
					<div class="entry">
						<div class="entrydivider"></div>
						<div class="entrylinks"><a href=\"$d.url\"> &nbsp; <b>
			print lang_ordinal($d.day);
						</b> &nbsp; </a></div>
						<div class="entries">
						<div class="entrytext">
					<div class="backtop"><a href="#top">back to top</a></div>

function MonthDay::print_subjectlist() {
    # Too many tables...
    foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {
        print $e.time->time_format("short") + ": ";
        if ($e.poster.username != $e.journal.username) {
            $e.poster->print(); " ";
        if ($e.subject != "") {
            " <a href=\"$e.permalink_url\">$e.subject</a>";
        } else {
            """ <a href="$e.permalink_url"><i class="nosubject">$*text_nosubject</i></a>""";
        if ($e.comments.count > 0) {
            " - " + get_plural_phrase($e.comments.count, "text_read_comments");
        if ($e.comments.screened) {
            " <b>$*text_month_screened_comments</b>";
        "<br />\n";

# DayPage

function DayPage::print_body() {

	"""<div class="entries">""";
	if ($.has_entries) {
		foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {

	} else {

# Page

function Page::print ()  {

	var string title = $this->title();

	<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
	<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="$.stylesheet_url" type="text/css" />
	<a name="top"></a>
	<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
	<div class="border3">
		<div class="border2">
			<div id="bodycontent">

				<div id="content">
					<table cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0" border="0">
							<td valign="top" class="sidetd">
							<div id="sidecolumn">

							<td valign="top" width="100%">



function print_theme_preview() {

	var Color color_bg_lt = getAltColor($*color_bg, "light", 30);
	var Color color_fg_dk = getAltColor($*color_fg, "dark", 20);
	var Color color_fg_dk_font = getAltColor($*color_fg_font, "dark", 20);
	var Color color_divider = getAltColor($color_fg_dk, "dark", 30);
	var Color color_fg_dk_dk_font = getAltColor($color_fg_dk, "dark", 50);
	var Color color_border = getAltColor($*color_bg, "light", 90);

		<div style="background-color: $*color_fg; border: 1px solid $color_fg_dk; padding: 4px; width: 210px;">
			<div style="border-top: 1px solid $color_divider; border-bottom: 1px solid $*color_fg;"></div>
			<div style="background-color: $color_fg_dk; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; padding: 4px; width: 200px;">Username - Title</div>
			<div style="border-top: 1px solid $color_divider; border-bottom: 1px solid $*color_fg;"></div>
			<br />
		<div style="border: 1px solid $*color_bg; width: 200px;"><div style="border: 1px solid $*color_fg;"><div style="border: 2px solid $color_border;">
		<div style="background-color: $color_bg_lt; border: 1px solid $*color_bg; padding: 3px; font-size: $*static_font_size$*static_font_measurement; color: $*color_bg_font;">
			<div style="background-color: $color_fg_dk; padding: 3px; margin-top: 5px; color: $*color_fg_font; border-top: 1px solid $color_divider; border-bottom: 1px solid $color_divider;">This is my new journal using a cool new style!</div>