# -*-s2-*-

## --  n e b u l a !  -- ######################################################

layerinfo type = "layout";
layerinfo name = "Nebula";
layerinfo redist_uniq = "nebula/layout";

layerinfo author_name = "jc";
layerinfo author_email = "jc@livejournal.com";
layerinfo des = "A simple but incredibly flexible design with sidebar, that can look as simple or as complicated as you like.";
layerinfo lang = "en";

## --  p r o p e r t i e s  -- ################################################

propgroup colors = "Colors";
propgroup colors {
	property Color col_weaker_fg {
		des = "Default text color for the page";
		note = "This only really affects the calendar strip, although it is used elsewhere. Text color on content areas is more important.";
	property Color col_weak_fg {
		des = "Text color on content areas";
	property Color col_stronger_fg {
		des = "Text color on headers";
	property Color col_strong_fg {
		des = "Text color on menus";
	property Color col_neutral_fg {
		des = "Text color on titles";

	property Color col_cmtbarone_fg {
		des = "Text color on comment bars";
	property Color col_cmtbartwo_fg {
		des = "Text color on alternating comment bars";
	property Color col_cmtbarscrn_fg {
		des = "Text color for screened comments";

	property Color col_entry_link {
		des = "Link color in entries";
	property Color col_entry_vlink {
		des = "Visited link color in entries";

	property Color col_sidebar_link {
		des = "Link color in sidebar";
	property Color col_sidebar_vlink {
		des = "Visited link color in sidebar";
	property string img_delete { noui = 1; }
	property string img_screen { noui = 1; }
	property string img_unscreen { noui = 1; }
	property string img_freeze { noui = 1; }
	property string img_unfreeze { noui = 1; }

set col_weaker_fg = "#000000";
set col_weak_fg = "#ffffff";
set col_neutral_fg = "#550301";
set col_strong_fg = "#5b4b26";
set col_stronger_fg = "#5b4b26";
set col_cmtbarone_fg = "#ffffff";
set col_cmtbartwo_fg = "#ffffff";
set col_cmtbarscrn_fg = "#ffffff";
set col_sidebar_link = "#000000";
set col_entry_link = "#000000";
set col_entry_vlink = "#000000";
set col_sidebar_vlink = "#000000";

propgroup backgrounds = "Backgrounds";
propgroup backgrounds {
	property Color col_weaker_bg {
		des = "Default background color for the page";
	property Color col_weak_bg {
		des = "Background color on content areas";
	property Color col_stronger_bg {
		des = "Background color on headers";
	property Color col_strong_bg {
		des = "Background color on menus";
	property Color col_neutral_bg {
		des = "Background color on titles";
	property Color col_entry_bg {
		des = "Background color on entries";
	property Color col_border {
		des = "Color for content area borders";
		note = "Content areas affected include sidebar boxes and the mini calendar.";
	property string background_image 
		des = "Background image";
		note = "URL to an image to be used for the page background (leave blank for none). Page texture won't be used if an image is defined.";
	property string background_repeat {
		des = "Background image repeat";
		note = "This does not affect whether your background scrolls with the page. That option is coming up next.";
		values = "repeat|Repeat|no-repeat|Don't repeat|repeat-x|Repeat across only|repeat-y|Repeat down only";
	property string background_attachment {
		des = "Should the background image scroll with the page?";
		values = "scroll|Yes|fixed|No";
	property string background_position {
		des = "Background image position";
		note = "Does not apply if background image is repeating in both directions.";
		values = "center|Center|center left|Center-left|center right|Center-right|top|Top|top left|Top-left|top right|Top-right|bottom|Bottom|bottom left|Bottom-left|bottom right|Bottom-right|left|Left|right|Right";
	set background_image     = "";
	set background_repeat    = "repeat";
	set background_position  = "center";
	set background_attachment = "scroll";

	property string pres_txtr_bg {
		des = "Texture to use for page background";
		note = "Won't be used if a background image is defined above.";
		values = "none|None|brushed_metal.png|Brushed Metal|burlap.png|Burlap|camouflage.png|Camouflage|canvas.png|Canvas|chalk.png|Chalk|cork.png|Cork|fibers.png|Fibers|floral.png|Floral|ice.png|Ice|manila.png|Manila|marble.png|Marble|paper.png|Paper|ridge.png|Ridge|rough.png|Rough|stucco.png|Stucco|terracotta.png|Terracotta|type.png|Type|wavy.png|Wavy";
	property string pres_txtr_h {
		des = "Texture to use for page header";
		values = "none|None|brushed_metal.png|Brushed Metal|burlap.png|Burlap|camouflage.png|Camouflage|canvas.png|Canvas|chalk.png|Chalk|cork.png|Cork|fibers.png|Fibers|floral.png|Floral|ice.png|Ice|manila.png|Manila|marble.png|Marble|paper.png|Paper|ridge.png|Ridge|rough.png|Rough|stucco.png|Stucco|terracotta.png|Terracotta|type.png|Type|wavy.png|Wavy";
	property string pres_txtr_c {
		des = "Texture to use for main content areas";
		values = "none|None|brushed_metal.png|Brushed Metal|burlap.png|Burlap|camouflage.png|Camouflage|canvas.png|Canvas|chalk.png|Chalk|cork.png|Cork|fibers.png|Fibers|floral.png|Floral|ice.png|Ice|manila.png|Manila|marble.png|Marble|paper.png|Paper|ridge.png|Ridge|rough.png|Rough|stucco.png|Stucco|terracotta.png|Terracotta|type.png|Type|wavy.png|Wavy";
	property Color col_cmtbarone_bg {
		des = "Background color for comment bars";
	property Color col_cmtbartwo_bg {
		des = "Background color for alternating comment bars";
	property Color col_cmtbarscrn_bg {
		des = "Background color for screened comment bars";

set col_weaker_bg = "#effe8f";
set col_weak_bg = "#5b4b26";
set col_neutral_bg = "#000000";
set col_strong_bg = "#fbe46a";
set col_stronger_bg = "#fbe46a";
set col_cmtbarone_bg = "#e2c956";
set col_cmtbartwo_bg = "#afb13e";
set col_cmtbarscrn_bg = "#fcda3e";
set col_entry_bg = "#977e3b";
set col_border = "#000000";

propgroup fonts {
	property string main_font {
		des = "Preferred Font";
		maxlength = 25;
		size = 10;
		example = "Arial";
		note = "Leave blank for your browser's default font";
	property string main_font_fallback {
		des = "Alternative font style";
		values = "sans-serif|Sans-serif|serif|Serif|cursive|Cursive|monospace|Monospaced|none|Use browser's default";
		note = "This general style will serve as a fallback if your preferred font is unavailable.";

	property string header_font
		des = "Font for the top header box";
		maxlength = 25;
		size = 10;
		example = "Arial";
		note = "Leave blank for your browser's default font";
	property string header_font_fallback
		des = "Alternative font style";
		values = "sans-serif|Sans-serif|serif|Serif|cursive|Cursive|monospace|Monospaced|none|Use browser's default";
		note = "This general style will serve as a fallback if your preferred font is unavailable.";
	property string header_font_size { noui = 1; }

	property string content_font
		des = "Font for the content boxes";
		maxlength = 25;
		size = 10;
		example = "Arial";
		note = "Leave blank for your browser's default font";
	property string content_font_fallback { noui = 1; }
	property string subheading_font
		des = "Font for subheadings";
		maxlength = 25;
		size = 10;
		example = "Arial";
		note = "Leave blank for your browser's default font";
	property string subheading_font_fallback { noui = 1; }

	property string entryheading_font
		des = "Font for entry headings";
		maxlength = 25;
		size = 10;
		example = "Arial";
		note = "Leave blank for your browser's default font";
	property string entryheading_font_fallback { noui = 1; }

set main_font = "Georgia";
set main_font_fallback = "serif";
set header_font = "Georgia";
set header_font_fallback = "serif";
set header_font_size = "2em";
set content_font = "Georgia";
set content_font_fallback = "sans-serif";
set subheading_font = "Arial";
set subheading_font_fallback = "sans-serif";
set entryheading_font = "Georgia";
set entryheading_font_fallback = "sans-serif";

propgroup pres = "Presentation";
propgroup pres {
	property int summary_items {
		des = "Summary Items";
		note="Maximum number of items in the Page Summary list.  Set to 0 to turn off the Page Summary.  Set to 100 to show all available items.";

	property bool pres_show_entry_list {
		des = "Show links to entries on page?";
	property string pres_page_width {
		des = "Page Width";
		note = "The width of the total page content, including the sidebar.";
		values = "90%|90%|80%|80%|70%|70%|60%|60%|50%|50%|40%|40%";
	property string pres_page_align {
		des = "Page Alignment"; 
		values = "left|Left|center|Center|right|Right";
	property string pres_sidebar_width {
		des = "Sidebar Width";
		note = "How much of the page width is taken up by the sidebar.";
		values = "30%|30%|25%|25%|20%|20%|15%|15%";
	property string pres_sidebar_align {
		des = "Which side of the page should the sidebar show up on?"; 
		values = "left|Left|right|Right";
	property string header_image {
		des = "URL of image to be used as page header";
		example = "http://example.com/your_image.jpg";
	property bool pres_show_cal {
		des = "Show calendar strip on journal pages?";
	property bool show_entry_userpic {
		des = "Show entry-specific userpic next to each entry?";
	property bool pres_use_gradients {
		des = "Use gradients when displaying entry headers and sidebar boxes?";
	property use comment_userpic_style;
	property use use_shared_pic;
	property use page_recent_items;
	property use page_friends_items;
set show_entry_userpic = true;
set pres_show_cal = true;
set pres_sidebar_align = "left";
set pres_show_entry_list = true;
set pres_page_width = "80%";
set pres_sidebar_width = "20%";
set pres_txtr_bg = "none";
set pres_txtr_h = "none";
set pres_txtr_c = "none";
set pres_page_align = "center";
set summary_items = 100;
set pres_use_gradients = true;

propgroup text {
	property string text_date_format {
		des = "Date format:";
		example = "%%yyyy%%.%%mm%%.%%dd%%";
	property string text_time_format {
		des = "Time format:";
		example = "%%HH%%:%%min%%";
	property string text_navigation {
		des = "Navigation menu title";
	property string text_navigation_extra {
		des = "Page-specific navigation menu title";
		example = "This page";
	property string page_summary_title {
		des = "Page Summary menu title";
	property string text_entry_plural {
		des = "Text to describe entries in month view";
		format = "plurals";
		example = "1 entry // # entries";

	property use text_nosubject;
	property use text_meta_mood;
	property use text_meta_music;
	property use text_noentries_day;
	property use text_max_comments;
	property string text_comment_from {
		des = "Text to indicate when comment was posted";
		example = "at";
		maxlength = "20";
	property use text_comment_date;
	property use text_comment_ipaddr;
	property use text_comment_frozen;
	property use text_reply_nocomments_header;
	property use text_reply_nocomments;
propgroup linktext = "Link text";
propgroup linktext {
	property string text_view_memories {
		des = "View memories";
	property string text_add_mem {
		des = "Add to memories";
	property string text_edit_entry {
		des = "Edit entry";
	property string text_edit_tags {
		des = "Edit tags";
	property use text_view_recent;
	property use text_view_friends;
	property use text_view_archive;
	property use text_view_userinfo;
	property use text_permalink;
	property use text_post_comment;
	property use text_read_comments;
	property use text_post_comment_friends;
	property use text_read_comments_friends;
	property use text_reply_back;
	property use text_comment_reply;
	property use text_comment_parent;
	property use text_comment_thread;
	property string text_link_separator {
		des = "Text or image to separate links with";
		note = "If you use a URL of an image (starting with 'http://'), Nebula will use the image as a separator. It helps to use a small image for this purpose, and your image might break if the URL contains any spaces.";
		example = " |  or http://www.example.com/your_image.jpg";

set text_date_format = "%%yyyy%%.%%mm%%.%%dd%%";
set text_time_format = "%%HH%%:%%min%%";
set text_view_memories = "Memories";
set text_add_mem = "Add to Memories";
set page_summary_title = "Summary";
set text_entry_plural = "1 entry // # entries";
set text_edit_entry = "Edit";
set text_edit_tags = "Tags";
set tags_aware = true;
set text_link_separator = "  ";
set text_navigation = "Navigation";
set text_navigation_extra = "This page";
set text_comment_from = "";
set text_comment_date = "at";

## --  p r o p e r t y   h a n d l e r s  -- ##################################

function prop_init () {
	var int entry_lightness = $*col_weaker_bg->lightness();
	var Color col_entry_bg_tint = $entry_lightness > 120 ? $*col_weaker_bg->lighter(): $*col_weaker_fg;
	# these shouldn't be limited to a The Boxer subfolder
	$*img_delete = palimg_tint("boxer/delete.gif", $col_entry_bg_tint);
	$*img_screen = palimg_tint("boxer/screen.gif", $col_entry_bg_tint);
	$*img_unscreen = palimg_tint("boxer/unscreen.gif", $col_entry_bg_tint);
	$*img_freeze = palimg_tint("boxer/freeze.gif", $col_entry_bg_tint);
	$*img_unfreeze = palimg_tint("boxer/unfreeze.gif", $col_entry_bg_tint);
	# textures! lovely textures.
	if ($*pres_txtr_bg != "none") { $*pres_txtr_bg = palimg_tint("textures/$*pres_txtr_bg", $*col_stronger_fg, $*col_weaker_bg); }

	var Color hfg = "#ffffff";
	if ($*pres_txtr_h != "none") { $*pres_txtr_h = palimg_tint("textures/$*pres_txtr_h", $hfg, $*col_stronger_bg); }

	if ($*pres_txtr_c != "none") { $*pres_txtr_c = palimg_tint("textures/$*pres_txtr_c", $*col_weaker_fg, $*col_weak_bg); }


## --  s t y l e s h e e t   f u n c t i o n s  -- ############################

function appended_to_stylesheet() {
        # This function intentionally left blank. Override in user layer.

function print_stylesheet () {

	var string pres_sidebar_boxbg;
	var string pres_minical_boxbg;
	var string pres_page_margins;

	# figure out the shade applied to weekends on the MiniCal
	var int minical_lightness = $*col_strong_bg->lightness();
	var Color col_minical_weekend = $minical_lightness > 120 ? $*col_strong_bg->darker(50) : $*col_strong_bg->lighter(50); 

	# figuring out the widths and margins the ghetto way
	var int width_page = int($*pres_page_width);
	var int width_sidebar = int($*pres_sidebar_width);
	var int width_content = $width_page - $width_sidebar - 5;
	var int width_margin = 100 - $width_page;
	if ($*pres_page_align == "center") {
		var string str_width_margin = string($width_margin / 2);
		$pres_page_margins = "margin-left: $str_width_margin%;";
	} else {
		var string str_width_margin = string($width_margin);
		$pres_page_margins = "margin-$*pres_page_align: $str_width_margin%;";
	var string pres_content_width = string($width_content) + "%";

	# death to IE
	var string pres_sidebar_width_ie = string($width_sidebar - 3) + "%";
	var string pres_content_width_ie = string($width_content - 3) + "%";
	# another ghetto method to align the sidebar properly
	var string pres_sidebar_opp = $*pres_sidebar_align == "left" ? "right" : "left";

	# gradients! lovely gradients.
	if ($*pres_use_gradients) {
		var Color col_black = "#000000";
		var Color col_white = "#ffffff";
		# Let's determine some colours first
		var int tmp_boxborder_lightness = $*col_border->lightness();
		var Color tmp_boxborder_avg = $tmp_boxborder_lightness > 120 ? $*col_border->darker(70) : $*col_border->lighter(70);
		var string tmp_gstart = $tmp_boxborder_avg.as_string->substr(1, 6);
		var string tmp_gend = $*col_strong_bg.as_string->substr(1, 6);

		# Now to generate the gradients
		$pres_sidebar_boxbg = "background: url($*PALIMGROOT/shadow/t.gif/pt$tmp_gstart$tmp_gend) repeat-x;";
		$pres_minical_boxbg = "background: $*col_strong_bg url($*PALIMGROOT/shadow/b.gif/pt$tmp_gstart$tmp_gend) repeat-x scroll bottom;";
	} else {
		$pres_minical_boxbg = "background-color: $*col_strong_bg;";

	body {
		margin: 0;
		padding: 0;
		font-family: $*main_font, $*main_font_fallback;
		font-size: 0.75em;
	if (clean_url($*background_image) != "") {
		"""		background-image: url('$*background_image');
		background-position: $*background_position;
		background-repeat: $*background_repeat;
		background-attachment: $*background_attachment;
	} elseif ($*pres_txtr_bg != "none") { """		background: url($*pres_txtr_bg);"""; }
		background-color: $*col_weaker_bg;
		color: $*col_weaker_fg;
	#mainContainer {
		width: $*pres_page_width;
		min-width: 300px;
	#header {
		padding: 0 1em;
		min-height: 110px;
		margin: 0 0 10px 0;
	if ($*pres_txtr_h != "none") { """		background: url($*pres_txtr_h);"""; }
		background-color: $*col_stronger_bg;
		color: $*col_stronger_fg;
	#header h1 {
		margin: 0 0 -10px 0;
		padding: 15px 0;
	#header a {
		font-family: $*header_font, $*header_font_fallback;
		font-size: $*header_font_size;
		text-decoration: none;
		color: $*col_stronger_fg;
	#header p {
		color: $*col_neutral_fg;
		font-size: 18px;
		font-style: italic;
		margin: 0 0 0 20px;
	#content {
		float: $pres_sidebar_opp;
		background-color: $*col_weak_bg;
		color: $*col_weak_fg;
		padding: 5px;
		margin: 20px 1% 20px 1%;
	if ($*pres_txtr_c != "none") { """		background: url($*pres_txtr_c);"""; }
		width: $pres_content_width;
		voice-family: "\"}\"";
		width: $pres_content_width_ie;
	html>body #content {
		width: $pres_content_width_ie;
	#content p {
		margin-top: 0px;
		margin-bottom: 0px;
		padding: 8px;
	#sideBar {
		float: $*pres_sidebar_align;
		padding: 5px;
		margin: 20px 1% 20px 1%;
		background-color: $*col_weak_bg;
		color: $*col_weak_fg;
	if ($*pres_txtr_c != "none") { """background: url($*pres_txtr_c);"""; }
		width: $*pres_sidebar_width;
		voice-family: "\"}\"";
		width: $pres_sidebar_width_ie;
	html>body #sideBar {
		width: $pres_sidebar_width_ie;
	#sideBarHeader {
		min-height: 100px;
		background-color: $*col_stronger_bg;
		color: $*col_stronger_fg;
	if ($*pres_txtr_h != "none") { """background: url($*pres_txtr_h);"""; }
		vertical-align: bottom;
		margin-bottom: 10px;
	#sideBar h4 {
		color: $*col_neutral_fg;
		text-transform: uppercase;
		font-weight: normal;
		font-family: $*subheading_font, $*subheading_font_fallback;
		display: block;
		text-align: center;
		padding: 5px;
		padding-bottom: 0;
	#sideBar ul {
		margin: 0 0 1em 1em;
		padding: 0; 
		list-style-type: none;
	.sideBarBox {
		border: 2px solid $*col_border;
		margin-bottom: 5px;
		background-color: $*col_strong_bg;
		color: $*col_strong_fg;
	.sideBarBox a, .sideBarBox a:active {
		color: $*col_sidebar_link;
	.sideBarBox a:visited {
		color: $*col_sidebar_vlink;
	.sideBarBox h5 { 
		font-family: $*subheading_font, $*subheading_font_fallback;
		margin: 10px 0 0 0;
	.sideBarUpi {
		margin: 0;
		padding: 2px;

	.entry {
		padding: 5px;
		background-color: $*col_entry_bg;
		font-family: $*content_font, $*content_font_fallback;
	.entry a {
		color: $*col_entry_link;
	.entry a:visited {
		color: $*col_entry_vlink;
	.entry h3 {
		font-family: $*entryheading_font, $*entryheading_font_fallback;
		font-size: 1.5em;
		padding: 3px;
		margin: 10px 0;
	.entryBar {
		clear: both;
		overflow: auto;
		font-size: 0.9em;
	.entryText {
		margin-top: 5px;
		margin-bottom: 5px;
	.entryFooter {
		padding-top: 1em;
	.commentsInfo {
		float: right;
	form#postform textarea {
		width: 100%; max-width: 99%;
	form#postform input {
		max-width: 100%;

	.commentBoxOne {
		border: 5px solid $*col_cmtbarone_bg;
	.commentBoxTwo {
		border: 5px solid $*col_cmtbartwo_bg;
	.commentBoxScreened {
		border: 5px solid $*col_cmtbarscrn_bg;
	.commentBoxOne .commentInfo {
		background-color: $*col_cmtbarone_bg;
		color: $*col_cmtbarone_fg;
	.commentBoxTwo .commentInfo {
		background-color: $*col_cmtbartwo_bg;
		color: $*col_cmtbartwo_fg;
	.commentBoxScreened .commentInfo {
		background-color: $*col_cmtbarscrn_bg;
		color: $*col_cmtbarscrn_fg;
	.commentBoxOne, .commentBoxTwo, .commentBoxScreened {
		background-color: $*col_weak_bg;
		color: $*col_weak_fg;
		border-right: none;
		border-bottom: none;
		width: 99%;
	.commentBoxOne a, .commentBoxTwo a, .commentBoxScreened a {
		color: $*col_entry_link;
	.commentBoxOne a:visited, .commentBoxTwo a:visited, .commentBoxScreened a:visited {
		color: $*col_entry_vlink;
	.commentUpi {
		float: left;
		margin-right: 10px;
		margin-bottom: 10px;
	.commentUpi img {
		border: 0;
	.commentInfo {
		width: 100%;
		vertical-align: bottom;
		padding-botttom: 5px;
		background-color: #ccf;
	.commentButs {
		vertical-align: bottom;
		text-align: right;
	.commentText {
		padding-top: 5px;
		padding-left: 5px;
	.commentLinks {
		clear: both;
		margin-left: 5px;

	#footer {
		float: left;
		width: """+$pres_content_width+"""px;
		font-size: 0.8em;
		margin-top: 10px;
		margin-bottom: 10px;

	h2, h3, h4 {
		margin-top: 0;
	a {
		color: $*col_entry_link;
		text-decoration: none;
	a:hover {
		text-decoration: underline;
	a:visited {
		color: $*col_entry_vlink;
	.userpic {
		float: right;
		margin-left: 5px;
		margin-bottom: 5px;
	div.entrysub h3 {
		margin: 0;
	div.MiniCalContainer {
		border: 2px solid $*col_border;
		width: 98%;
		height: 3em;
		overflow: auto;
		margin-top: 10px;
		margin-left: 1%;
	.MiniCalDayPosts {
		font-weight: bold;
	td.MiniCalWeekend {
		background-color: $col_minical_weekend;
	td.MiniCalDay, td.MiniCalDayPosts {
		font-family: Trebuchet, Verdana, sans-serif;
		font-size: 0.95em;
		color: $*col_strong_fg;
	.MiniCalDay a, .MiniCalDay a:active, .MiniCalDayPosts a, .MiniCalDayPosts a:active {
		color: $*col_sidebar_link;
	.MiniCalDay a:visited, .MiniCalDayPosts a:visited {
		color: $*col_sidebar_vlink;
	.monthWrapper {
		display: table;
		border: 1px solid black;
		width: 100%;
	.monthRow {
		display: table-row;
		border: 1px solid black;
	.monthCell, .monthDay {
		display: table-cell;
		border: 1px solid black;
		padding: 3px;
	.monthDay {
		font-family: $*subheading_font, $*subheading_font_fallback;
		font-size: 2em;
		text-align: right;
	#cal a {
		text-decoration: none; 
		color: $*col_entry_link;
	.calrow {
		clear: both;
		font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
	.calempty {
		width: 24px;
		font-size: 11px;
		margin: 1px;
		float: left;
	.calactitem {
		float: left;
		margin: 1px;
		width: 23px;
		font-size: 11px;
		text-align: center;
		background-color: white;
		border-right: 1px solid black;
		border-bottom: 1px solid black;
	.calDayEntries {
		font-size: 1.5em;
		font-weight: bold;
	.calDay, .calDayEntries, .bigday {
		font-family: $*subheading_font, $*subheading_font_fallback;
		text-align: center;
		vertical-align: middle;
	.bigday {
		font-weight: bold;
	.cal td {
		padding: 3px;
	.calinitem {
		float: left;
		margin: 1px;
		width: 23px;
		font-size: 11px;
		text-align: center;
		border-right: 1px solid black;
		border-bottom: 1px solid black;

## --  i m a g e   l i n k   s e p a r a t o r  -- ############################

function separator() : string {
	# Would do this in prop_init, except you can't use HTML in
	# $* variables. Poo.
	if ($*text_link_separator->starts_with("http://")) {
		return "&nbsp;<img src=\"$*text_link_separator\" align=\"absmiddle\" alt=\" | \" />&nbsp;";
	} else {
		return $*text_link_separator;

## --  p r i n t   l i n k l i s t  -- ########################################

function linklist() : string {
	var string return = "";
	var Page p = get_page();
	if (size $p.linklist <= 0) {
		return "";
	var bool section_open = false;
	$return = $return + "        <hr />\n";
	var int count = 0;
	foreach var UserLink l ($p.linklist) {
		$count = $count + 1;
		if ($l.title) {
			if ($l.is_heading) {
				if ($section_open) {
					$return = $return + "          </ul>\n        </div>\n";
				$return = $return + """        <div class="sideBarBox">\n          <h4>$l.title</h4>\n          <ul>\n""";
				$section_open = true;
			} else {
				if ($count == 1) {
		 			$return = $return + """        <div class="sideBarBox">\n          <h4 style="margin-bottom: 0;">&nbsp;</h4>\n          <ul>\n""";
				$return = $return + """            <li><a href="$l.url">$l.title</a></li>\n""";
	$return = $return + "          </ul>\n        </div>\n";
	return $return;

## --  p a g e   s u m m a r i e s  -- ########################################

function num_comments_in_thread (Comment[] comments)  : int {
	var int total = 0;
	foreach var Comment c ($comments) {
		$total = $total + 1;
		if (size $c.replies > 0) {
		    $total = $total + num_comments_in_thread($c.replies);
	return $total;

function Page::lay_entry_nav (Entry e)  : string {

	var string date = $e.time->date_format($*text_date_format);
	var string time = $e.time->time_format($*text_time_format);
	var string line;
	var string subject = ($e.subject != "") ? " $e.subject" : """ <i class="nosubject">$*text_nosubject</i>""";
	var string j = ($.view == "friends" and $e.journal.username != $e.poster.username) ? " in $e.journal: " : "";
	var string item = ($.view == "friends" or $e.journal.username != $e.poster.username) ? "<h5>$date @ $time</h5>" + $e.poster->as_string() + "$j <a href=\"#" + $e.itemid + "\">" : "<h5>$date @ $time</h5><a href=\"#" + $e.itemid + "\">";
	$line = """            <li>$item $subject</a></li>\n""";

	return $line;

function Page::lay_print_summary () { }

function RecentPage::lay_print_summary () {
	var int count = $*summary_items;
	if ($count == 0) { return; }
	var string text;
	foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {
		if($count > 0) {
			$text = $text + $this->lay_entry_nav($e);
		$count = $count - 1;
	if($text != "") {
		if($count < 0) {
			$count = $count * -1;
			$text = $text + """            <li><strong>+$count more</strong></li>\n""";
		print $text;

function EntryPage::lay_print_summary ()  {
		var int count = $*summary_items;
		if($count == 0) { return; }

		var string text;
		$text = $this->lay_entry_nav($.entry);
		$count = $count - 1;

		foreach var Comment c ($.comments)  {
		        if($count > 0) {
		                var string subject = ($c.subject != "") ? $c.subject : """<i class="nosubject">$*text_nosubject</i> """;
		                $text = $text + """            <li>$c.poster: <a href="#$c.anchor">$subject</a>""";
		                var int num = num_comments_in_thread($c.replies);
		                if($num > 0) {
		                        $text = $text + " [+" + string($num) + "] ";
		                $text = $text + """</li>\n""";
		        $count = $count - 1;

		if($text != "") {
		        if($count < 0) {
		                $count = $count * -1;
		                $text = $text + """            <li><strong>+$count more</strong></li>\n""";
		        if($count != ($*summary_items - 1)) {
		                print $text;

function DayPage::lay_print_summary ()  {
	var int count = $*summary_items;
	if($count == 0) { return; }
	var string text;
	foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {
		$text = $text + $this->lay_entry_nav($e);

	if($text != "") {
		if($count < 0) {
			$count = $count * -1;
			$text = $text + """            <li><strong>+$count more</strong></li>\n""";
		print $text;

function MonthPage::lay_print_summary ()  {
	var int count = $*summary_items;
	if($count == 0) { return; }

	var string entrytext = "1 entry // # entries";
	var string text;
	foreach var MonthDay d ($.days) {
		if($count > 0) {
			var string day = lang_ordinal($d.day);
			if ($d.has_entries) {
				var string entries = get_plural_phrase($d.num_entries, "text_entry_plural");
					$text = $text + """            <li><a href="#anchor$d.day">$day [$entries]</a></li>\n""";

	if($text != "") {
		if($count < 0) {
			$count = $count * -1;
			$text = $text + """            <li><strong>+$count more</strong></li>""";
		print $text;

## --  e x t r a   n a v i g a t i o n   l i n k s  -- ########################

function Page::lay_nav_links() : string[] {
	var string[] ret = [];
	return $ret;

function RecentPage::lay_nav_links() : string[] {
	var string[] ret = []; var int i = 0;
	if (viewer_is_owner()) {
		$ret[$i] = """<a href="$*SITEROOT/update.bml">Update Journal</a>"""; $i++;
	if ($.nav.forward_url != "" or $.nav.backward_url != "") {
		if ($.nav.backward_url != "") {
			 var string previous = get_plural_phrase($.nav.backward_count, "text_skiplinks_back");
			 $ret[$i] = """<a href="$.nav.backward_url">$previous</a>"""; $i++;
		if ($.nav.forward_url != "") {
			 var string next = get_plural_phrase($.nav.forward_count, "text_skiplinks_forward");
			 $ret[$i] = """<a href="$.nav.forward_url">$next</a>"""; $i++;
	return $ret;

function EntryPage::lay_nav_links() : string[] {
	var string[] ret; var int i = 0;
	var Link prev = $.entry->get_link("nav_prev");
	var Link next = $.entry->get_link("nav_next");

	if ($prev.url != "" or $next.url != "") {
	if ($prev.url != "") {
		 $ret[$i] = """<a href="$prev.url">$prev.caption</a>"""; $i++;
	if ($next.url != "") {
		 $ret[$i] = """<a href="$next.url">$next.caption</a>""";
	return $ret;

function YearPage::lay_nav_links() : string[] {
	var string[] ret; var int i = 0;
	foreach var YearYear y ($.years) {
	if ($y.displayed) {
		 $ret[$i] = """<strong>$y.year</strong>\n""";
	} else {
		 $ret[$i] = """<a href="$y.url">$y.year</a>\n""";
	return $ret;

function MonthPage::lay_nav_links() : string[] {
	var string[] ret = []; var int i;
	var string links = "";
	if ($.prev_url != "") { $ret[$i] = """<a href="$.prev_url">"""+$.prev_date->date_format($*lang_fmt_month_long)+"""</a>"""; $i++; }
	if ($.next_url != "") { $ret[$i] = """<a href="$.next_url">"""+$.next_date->date_format($*lang_fmt_month_long)+"""</a>"""; $i++; }  

	return $ret;

function DayPage::lay_nav_links() : string[] {
	var string[] ret = [];
	$ret[0] = """<a href="$.prev_url">$*text_day_prev</a>""";
	$ret[1] = """<a href="$.next_url">$*text_day_next</a>""";
	return $ret;

## --  p r i n t   s i d e b a r  -- ##########################################

function Page::lay_print_sidebar() {
	var Page p = get_page();
	var string userpic;
	var Image up_img = $.journal.default_pic;
	if (defined $up_img) {
		$userpic = """        <div id="sideBarHeader">
          <div class="sideBarUpi">
            <center><img src="$up_img.url" class="sideBarUpi" alt="" height="$up_img.height" width="$up_img.width" /></center>
	var string website;
	if ($.journal.website_url != "") {
		$website = """<li><a href="$.journal.website_url">$.journal.website_name</a></li>\n""";
      <div id="sideBar">
       <div class="sideBarBox">
	var string views;
	foreach var string v ($.views_order) {
		$views = $views + "            <li";
		if ($v == $.view or 
				($v == "archive" and $.view == "day") or
				($v == "archive" and $.view == "month")) {
			$views = $views + " id='active'";
		} else {
			$views = $views + " class='inactive'";
		$views = $views + ">";
		$views = $views + """<a href="$.view_url{$v}">""" + lang_viewname($v) + "</a>";
		$views = $views + "</li>\n";
	$views = $views + """            <li class="inactive"><a href="$*SITEROOT/tools/memories.bml?user=$p.journal.username">$*text_view_memories</a></li>\n""";

	var string website_name = $.journal.website_name ? $.journal.website_name : $*text_website_default_name;
	if ($.journal.website_url != "") {
		$views = $views + """            <li class="inactive"><a href="$.journal.website_url">$website_name</a></li>\n""";
	println """$views          </ul>\n        </div>\n""";
	var string[] submenu = $this->lay_nav_links();
	if (size $submenu > 0) {
		"        <div class=\"sideBarBox\">\n          <h4>$*text_navigation_extra</h4>\n          <ul>\n";
		 foreach var string subitem ($submenu) {
		print """            <li>$subitem</li>\n""";
		 println "          </ul>\n        </div>\n\n";
	if ( $*pres_show_entry_list and $p.view != "archive") {
		"        <div class=\"sideBarBox\">\n          <h4>$*page_summary_title</h4>\n          <ul>\n";
		"          </ul>\n        </div>\n";
	print linklist();
        <div class="sideBarBox" style="margin-bottom: 0;">
          <h4 style="margin-bottom: 5px;"><a href="$*SITEROOT">$*SITENAMESHORT</a></h4>

## --  p r i n t   c a l e n d a r  -- ########################################

function print_calendar() : string {
	var string calendar = "";
	var Page p = get_page();
	var YearMonth m = $p->get_latest_month();
	var string month = $m->month_format();
	if($m.has_entries) {
		$calendar = """
      <div class="MiniCalContainer" align="center">
        <table class="MiniCal">
          <tr><td nowrap="nowrap" class="MiniCalDay" style="color: $*col_neutral_fg;"><i>$month</i>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>
		var YearWeek[] theWeeks = $m.weeks;
		foreach var YearWeek w ($theWeeks) {
		    var YearDay[] theDays = $w.days;
		    var int start = $w.pre_empty;
		    foreach var YearDay d ($theDays) {
		    	$start = $start + 1;
		    	$calendar = $calendar + "\n          <td valign=\"top\" class=\"";
		    	if ( $start == 1 or $start == 7 ) {
		    		$calendar = $calendar + "MiniCalWeekend ";
				if ($d.num_entries) {
				    $calendar = $calendar + """MiniCalDayPosts"><a href="$d.url">""" + $d.day->zeropad(2) + "</a></td>";
				} else {
				    $calendar = $calendar + """MiniCalDay">""" + $d.day->zeropad(2) + "</td>";
		$calendar = $calendar + "\n          </tr>\n        </table>\n      </div>\n";
	if ($calendar == "") {
		 return "Nothing to see here.";
	return $calendar;

## --  p r i n t   p a g e  -- ################################################

function Page::print ()
	var string title = $this->title();
	var string headerimg = $*header_image ? "<img src='$*header_image' alt='' />" : "";

	"""<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="" lang="">
    <link rel='stylesheet' href='$.stylesheet_url' type='text/css'/>


    <a name="top"></a>
    <div id="mainContainer">
	if ($*pres_show_cal and $this.view != "friends") {
		print print_calendar();

	if ($*pres_sidebar_align == "left") {
      <!-- h e a d e r --------------------------------- -->
      <div id="content">

        <div id="header">
          <div id="headerimg">$headerimg</div>
          <div id="title">
            <h1><a href="$.base_url">$.global_title</a></h1>

	var string[] submenu = $this->lay_nav_links();
	if (size $submenu > 0) {
		"<div class=\"entry\" align=\"center\">";
			foreach var string subitem ($submenu) {
			print """$subitem&nbsp;&nbsp;""";
	if ($*pres_sidebar_align == "right") {

## --  p r i n t   e n t r y  -- ##############################################

function print_entry (Page p, Entry e, Color bgcolor, Color fgcolor, bool hide_text)
	var string date = $e.time->date_format($*text_date_format);
	var string time = $e.time->time_format($*text_time_format);
	var string entrybarstyle = "";
	var string h3style = "";
	var string link_separator = separator();

	if ($bgcolor and $fgcolor) {
		if ($e.subject->length() > 0 and $p.view == "friends" and $*pres_use_gradients) {
			var Color gbg = $fgcolor->average($bgcolor);
			var string gstart = $gbg.as_string->substr(1, 6);
			var string gend = $bgcolor.as_string->substr(1, 6);
			var string gradient = "$*PALIMGROOT/shadow/t.gif/pt" + $gstart + $gend;
			$entrybarstyle = " style=\"background: url($gradient) repeat-x;\"";
			$h3style = " style=\"background-color: $bgcolor; color: $fgcolor;\"";
		} else {
			if (not defined $bgcolor) {
				$bgcolor = $*col_border;
	} else {
		if (not defined $bgcolor) {
			$bgcolor = $*col_border;

	"\n        <a name=\"$e.itemid\"></a>\n        <div class=\"entry\" style=\"border: 2px solid $bgcolor;\">\n          <div class=\"entryBar\"$entrybarstyle>\n";
	if (defined $e.userpic and ($*show_entry_userpic or $p.view == "friends")) {
		"            <div class=\"userpic\" align=\"right\">\n              ";
		print $e.userpic->as_string();
		"\n            </div>\n";
	if ( $e.subject ) {
		"            <h3$h3style>$e.subject</h3>\n";

	"            <span class=\"subHeading\"><b>Posted $e.security</b> ";
	if ($e.poster.username != $e.journal.username) {
		if ($e.journal.journal_type == "C" or $e.journal.journal_type == "S") { "by " + $e.poster->as_string(); }
		if ($p.view == "friends") { " in " + $e.journal->as_string(); }
	} else {
		if ($p.view == "friends") {
			if ($e.journal.journal_type == "Y") {
				"in ";
			} else {
				"by ";
			print $e.journal->as_string();
	" on $date at $time</span>\n";
	if ( not $hide_text ) {
		# current mood, music etc
		if ( size $e.metadata ) {
			foreach var string k ( $e.metadata ) {
				var string key = $k;
				var string val = $e.metadata{$k};
				if ( $k == "mood" ) {
					$key = $*text_meta_mood;
				} elseif ( $k == "music" ) {
					$key = $*text_meta_music;
				if ($k == "mood" and defined $e.mood_icon) {
					var Image i = $e.mood_icon;
					$val = "<img src=\"$i.url\" width=\"$i.width\" height=\"$i.height\" alt=\"\" align=\"absmiddle\" /> $val";
				"            <br />\n            <span class=\"subHeading\"><b>$key:</b> $val</span>\n";
		# entry tags (why isn't this in $e.metadata?)
		if ($e.tags) {
			var int tcount = 0;
			"            <br /><span class=\"ljtags\"><b>Tags:</b> ";
			foreach var Tag t ($e.tags) {
				"""<a rel="tag" href="$t.url">$t.name</a>""";
				if ($tcount != size $e.tags) { ", "; }
		"          </div>\n          <div class=\"entryText\">\n            ";
		# entry text!
		print $e.text;"\n          </div>\n";
		"          <div class=\"entryFooter\">\n";

		var Link l = new Link;
		var int c = 0;
		var string ca = "";
		foreach var string ls ($e.link_keyseq) {
			$l = $e->get_link($ls);
			if (defined $l) {
				if ($c > 0) { print $link_separator; }
				# Need a switch/case statement here, or core
				# string properties for the following link text
				if     ($ls == "mem_add")    { $ca = $*text_add_mem; }
				elseif ($ls == "edit_tags")  { $ca = $*text_edit_tags; }
				elseif ($ls == "edit_entry") { $ca = $*text_edit_entry; }
				else                         { $ca = $l.caption; }
				"""<a href="$l.url">$ca</a> """;

	"</div><hr />";

function Page::print_entry ( Entry e )
	print_entry( $this, $e, null Color, null Color, false );

function FriendsPage::print_entry ( Entry e )
	var Friend f = $.friends{$e.journal.username};
	print_entry( $this, $e, $f.bgcolor, $f.fgcolor, false );

function RecentPage::print_body {
	foreach var Entry e ( $.entries ) {
		$this->print_entry( $e );

function FriendsPage::print_body
	foreach var Entry e ( $.entries ) {
		$this->print_entry( $e );

## --  p r i n t   c o m m e n t   i n f o  -- ################################

function CommentInfo::print ()
	var Page p = get_page();
	var string link_separator = separator();

	"            <div class=\"commentsInfo\">\n              ";
	if ( not $.enabled ) {
		"<a href='$.read_url'>$*text_permalink</a>";
		"\n            </div>";
	if ( $.count > 0 or $.screened and $p.view != "entry") {
	} else {
		"<a href='$.read_url'>$*text_permalink</a>";		
	"$link_separator"; $this->print_postlink();
	"\n            </div>";

## --  p r i n t   e n t r y   p a g e  -- ####################################

function EntryPage::print_body ()

# disabled until someone can figure out why these guys aren't working
#	set_handler("unscreen_comment_#", [ [ "set_class", "cmtbox#", "commentBoxOne", ], ]);
#	set_handler("screen_comment_#", [ [ "set_class", "cmtbox#", "commentBoxScreened", ], ]);

	print_entry ( $this, $.entry, null Color, null Color, $.viewing_thread );
	if ( $.entry.comments.enabled and $.comment_pages.total_subitems > 0)
		print "<div class=\"entry\"><h3>Comments:</h3></div><hr /><div id=\"commentsWrapper\">";
		if ( $this.multiform_on ) {
		if ( $.comment_pages.total_subitems > 0 ) {
			$this->print_comments( $.comments );
		if ($this.multiform_on) {
			print "<hr /><div class=\"entry\"><h3>Mass Action:</h3>";
			"</div><hr />";

## --  p r i n t   e n t r y   c o m m e n t  -- ##############################

function EntryPage::print_comment ( Comment c )
	var string userpic;
	var string boxclass = "";
	var string boxheight = "";
	var string poster = defined $c.poster ? $c.poster->as_string() : "<i>$*text_poster_anonymous</i>";
	var string sub_icon = defined $c.subject_icon ? $c.subject_icon->as_string() : "" ;

	if ( $c.screened ) {
		$boxclass = "commentBoxScreened";
	} else {
		$boxclass = $c.depth % 2 ? "commentBoxOne" : "commentBoxTwo";

	if ( defined $c.userpic and $*comment_userpic_style != "off" ) {
		var int w = $c.userpic.width;
		var int h = $c.userpic.height;
		if ( $*comment_userpic_style == "small" ) {
			$w = $w / 2;
			$h = $h / 2;
		$userpic = "<div class=\"commentUpi\" style=\"width: $w; float: left; margin-right: 6px; margin-bottom: 6px;\"><a href=\"$*SITEROOT/allpics.bml?user=$c.poster.username\"><img src=\"$c.userpic.url\" width=\"$w\" height=\"$h\" alt=\"$c.poster.name\" title=\"$c.poster.name\" /></a></div>";
	<a name="$c.anchor"></a>
	<div class="$boxclass" id="cmtbox$c.talkid">
	<div class="commentInfo">
	<div class="commentButs" style="float: right;">
	var Link lnk;
	$lnk = $c->get_link("screen_comment"); if($lnk) { """           <span class="icon"><a href="$lnk.url"><img src="$*img_screen" border="0" alt="$lnk.caption" title="$lnk.caption" width="20" height="21" align="middle"></span>\n"""; }
	$lnk = $c->get_link("unscreen_comment"); if($lnk) { """         <span class="icon"><a href="$lnk.url"><img src="$*img_unscreen" border="0" alt="$lnk.caption" title="$lnk.caption" width="20" height="21" align="middle"></span>\n"""; }
	$lnk = $c->get_link("freeze_thread"); if($lnk) { """           <span class="icon"><a href="$lnk.url"><img src="$*img_freeze" border="0" alt="$lnk.caption" title="$lnk.caption" width="20" height="21" align="middle"></span>\n"""; }
	$lnk = $c->get_link("unfreeze_thread"); if($lnk) { """         <span class="icon"><a href="$lnk.url"><img src="$*img_unfreeze" border="0" alt="$lnk.caption" title="$lnk.caption" width="20" height="21" align="middle"></span>\n"""; }
	$lnk = $c->get_link("delete_comment"); if($lnk) { """           <span class="icon"><a href="$lnk.url"><img src="$*img_delete" border="0" alt="$lnk.caption" title="$lnk.caption" width="20" height="21" align="middle"></span>\n""";        }
	$*text_comment_from $poster $*text_comment_date """ + $c.time->date_format("%%yyyy%%-%%mm%%-%%dd%% ") + $c.time->time_format("%%HH%%:%%min%%") + """
	(<a href="$c.permalink_url">$*text_permalink</a>)<br />\n""";
	if ( $c.metadata{"poster_ip"} ) { print "<small>$*text_comment_ipaddr " + $c.metadata{"poster_ip"} + "</small>"; }
	if ( $c.subject != "" ) { print "<h4>$c.subject $c.subject_icon</h4>"; }
	"<div class=\"commentText\">$c.text</div>"; 
	"<div style=\"padding: 3px;\" class=\"commentLinks\">";
	if ( $this.multiform_on ) {
		"<div style=\"float: right;\"><label for='ljcomsel_$c.talkid'>$*text_multiform_check</label>";
	if ( $c.frozen ) {
		print $*text_comment_frozen + " :: ";
	} else {
		"(<a href='$c.reply_url'>$*text_comment_reply</a>) ";
	if ( $c.parent_url != "" ) {
		"(<a href='$c.parent_url'>$*text_comment_parent</a>) ";
	if ( $c.thread_url != "" ) {
		"(<a href='$c.thread_url'>$*text_comment_thread</a>) ";

## --  p r i n t   r e p l y   p a g e  -- ####################################

function ReplyPage::print_body ()
	if ( not $.entry.comments.enabled ) {
		"$*text_reply_nocomments_header<hr />$*text_reply_nocomments";

	var string time = $.replyto.time->time_format($*text_time_format);
	var string date = $.replyto.time->date_format($*text_date_format);
	"""<div class="entry"><div class="entryBar">""";
	if (defined $.replyto.userpic) {
		"""<div class="userpic"><img border="0" src="$.replyto.userpic.url" width="$.replyto.userpic.width" height="$.replyto.userpic.height" vspace="5" hspace="5" alt="" /></div>""";
	if ( $.replyto.subject ) { print "<h3>$.replyto.subject</h3>"; }
	"<span class=\"subHeading\">Posted by ";
	print defined $.replyto.poster ? $.replyto.poster->as_string() : "<i>(Anonymous)</i>";
	" on $date at $time</span></div>";
	"<div class=\"entryText\">";
	print $.replyto.text + "</div>";
	"""<div class="entryFooter"><div class="commentsInfo">""";
	"<a href='$.entry.permalink_url'>$*text_reply_back</a></div>&nbsp;</div></div><hr />";
	"""<div class="commentBarOne"><div class="commentInfo">""";
	var string what = $.replyto.permalink_url == $.entry.permalink_url ? "entry" : "comment" ;
	"<h3>Reply to this $what:</h3></div>";

## --  p r i n t   m o n t h   p a g e  -- ####################################

function MonthPage::print_body {
		"<form method='post' action='$.redir.url'>";
		var string select;
		if (size $.months > 1) {
		        $select = "<select name='redir_key'>\n";
		        foreach var MonthEntryInfo mei ($.months) {
		            var string sel;
		            if ($mei.date.year == $.date.year and $mei.date.month == $.date.month) {
		                $sel = " selected='selected'";
		            $select = $select + "<option value='$mei.redir_key'$sel>" + $mei.date->date_format($*lang_fmt_month_long) + "</option>";
		        $select = $select + "</select>\n<input type='submit' value='View' />";

		<div class="entry" align="center">$select</div>
		"<div class=\"entry\"><div class=\"monthWrapper\">";
		foreach var MonthDay d ($.days) {
		        if ($d.has_entries) {
		                                <a name="anchor$d.day"></a>
		                                <div class="monthRow">
		                                   <div class="monthCell monthDay">
		                                   <a href=\"$d.url\"><b>
		                print lang_ordinal($d.day);
		                                        <div class="monthCell">
		                                        <div class="entryText">
		                                        <div class="backtop"><a href="#top">^</a></div></div>

## --  p r i n t   y e a r   p a g e  -- ######################################

function YearWeek::print() {
		if ($.pre_empty > 0) {
		                                <td colspan="$.pre_empty"></td>

		foreach var YearDay d ($.days) {
		        var string day = zeropad($d.day, 2);
		        if ($d.num_entries > 0) {
		                var string num = string($d.num_entries);
		                                        <div class="calDayEntries"><a href="$d.url" title="$num">$day</a></div></div>
		        } else {
		        	"""<div class="calDay">$day</div>""";

function YearPage::print_month(YearMonth m) {
		if (not $m.has_entries) { return; }

		                <a name="anchor$m.month"></a>
		                <div class="entry">

		print $m->month_format();

		                <span class="subHeading"><a href="$m.url"> &nbsp; $*text_view_month &nbsp; </a> :: <a href="#top">^</a></span><br /><br />
		                <div class="entryText">
		                <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">

		foreach var int d (weekdays()) {
		                                <td width="14%"><div class="bigday">$*lang_dayname_short[$d]</div></td>
		foreach var YearWeek w ($m.weeks) {
		                </div><hr />


function YearPage::print_body {
	"""<div id="cal">""";
	foreach var YearMonth m ($.months) {

## --  p r i n t   d a y   p a g e  -- ########################################

function DayPage::print_body() {
	"""<div class="entry" style="border: 2px solid black;"><h3>""";
	print $.date->date_format("long"); "</h3></div><hr />";
	if ($.has_entries) {
		foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {
	} else {
		 """<div class="entry">$*text_noentries_day</div>""";

## --  t h e   e n d !  -- ####################################################