layerinfo "type" = "layout";
layerinfo "name" = "Variable Flow";
layerinfo "author_name" = "Martin Atkins";
layerinfo "des" = "A really simple layout that you can customize like crazy!";
layerinfo "redist_uniq" = "variableflow/layout";
layerinfo "previews" = "variableflow/preview.jpg";

#  Originally known as "Cleanly Shaven"
#  This layout is full of customization options, and is designed
# with code overrides in mind.
#  It also uses meaningful markup an CSS, for those who like that
# sort of thing. If you like, you can override the stylesheet
# completely in your user layer to drastically change the
# presentation.

propgroup colors {
    property Color clr_margin {
        des = "Page Background Color";
    property Color clr_line {
        des = "Color of line separating the entry area from the background";
        requires = "opt_page_border";
    property Color clr_back {
        des = "Background Color of Main Content Area";
        requires = "opt_page_background";
    property Color clr_text {
        des = "Main Text Color";
    property Color clr_link {
        des = "Color of normal links";
    property Color clr_vlink {
        des = "Color of visited links";
    property Color clr_alink {
        des = "Color of links once clicked on";
    property Color clr_title {
        des = "Journal Title Color";
    set clr_margin = "#337CCD";
    set clr_line = "#000000";
    set clr_back = "#33ABCD";
    set clr_text = "#000000";
    set clr_link = "#261A72";
    set clr_vlink = "#190F57";
    set clr_alink = "#261A72";
    set clr_title = "#190F57";

propgroup layout {
    property string margin_left {
        des = "Page Left Margin Size";
        values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive";
    property string margin_right {
        des = "Page Right Margin Size";
        values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive";
    property string margin_top {
        des = "Page Top Margin Size";
        values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive";
    property string margin_bottom {
        des = "Page Bottom Margin Size";
        values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive";
    set margin_left = "25%";
    set margin_right = "25%";
    set margin_top = "5px";
    set margin_bottom = "5px";

    property string padding_left {
        des = "Page Left Inner Padding Size";
        values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive";
    property string padding_right {
        des = "Page Right Inner Padding Size";
        values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive";
    property string padding_top {
        des = "Page Top Inner Padding Size";
        values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive";
    property string padding_bottom {
        des = "Page Bottom Inner Padding Size";
        values = "0|None|5px|Tiny|5%|Small|10%|Medium|25%|Large|50%|Massive";
    set padding_left = "5px";
    set padding_right = "5px";
    set padding_top = "5px";
    set padding_bottom = "5px";

    property string align_viewlinks {
        des = "Position of links to other journal views";
        values = "left|Left|right|Right|center|Center";
    property string align_title {
        des = "Position of journal title";
        values = "left|Left|right|Right|center|Center";
    property string align_talklinks {
        des = "Position of comment links";
        values = "left|Left|right|Right|center|Center";
    set align_viewlinks = "right";
    set align_title = "left";
    set align_talklinks = "right";

    # Some "advanced" settings which don't appear in the UI,
    # either because they have non-obvious interactions with
    # other properties or they have issues in certain browsers.
    property string adv_page_max_width {
        des = "Maximum Width of Content Area";
        note = "If you set this, you should also set margin_left and/or margin_right to 'auto'. Internet Explorer 6 does not support this property.";
        noui = 1;
    property string adv_entry_max_width {
        des = "Maximum Width of Entry Text";
        note = "Internet Explorer 6 does not support this property, and will present entries full-width.";
        noui = 1;
    property bool adv_enable_print_styles {
        des = "Enable Print Stylesheet";
        note = "If you disable this, your journal views may be unsuitable for printing.";
        noui = 1;
    property bool adv_enable_projection_styles {
        des = "Enable Projection Stylesheet";
        note = "With this enabled, browsers which support projection stylesheets will see a different stylesheet.";
        noui = 1;
    property bool adv_horrible_userpic_markup {
        des = "Enable horrible userpic markup";
        note = "With this enabled, the layout will use a table hack to present userpics. With it disabled, the userpics will just be shown raw with class userpic. You'll have to add your own stylesheet rules for them.";
        # See the comment within Page::print_entry for more details
        noui = 1;
    set adv_page_max_width = "";
    set adv_entry_max_width = "";
    set adv_enable_print_styles = true;
    set adv_enable_projection_styles = true;
    set adv_horrible_userpic_markup = true;

propgroup presentation {
    property use font_base;
    property use font_fallback;

    property string font_size {
        des = "Size of text";
        values = "0.75em|Tiny|1em|Normal|1.1em|Large";
    set font_size = "0.75em";

    property bool opt_page_border {
        des = "Draw Line Around Content Box";
        note = "With this disabled, the line color option has no effect";
    property bool opt_page_background {
        des = "Content Box has Background";
        note = "With this disabled, the Content Box Background Color and Image options have no effect and the page background will show through instead.";
    set opt_page_border = true;
    set opt_page_background = true;

    property string url_background_img_page {
        des = "Page Background Image URL";
        note = "Leave this blank if you do not wish to use a background image.";
        palimg_transform = "tint;*clr_back"; # Doesn't do anything right now
    set url_background_img_page = "";

    property string background_properties_page {
        des = "Page Background Image Display Options";
        values = "scroll|Scrolling, Tiled|scroll no-repeat|Scrolling, No repeat|scroll repeat-x|Scrolling, tile horizontally|scroll repeat-y|Scrolling, tile vertically|fixed|Fixed, Tiled|fixed no-repeat|Fixed, No repeat|fixed repeat-x|Fixed, tile horizontally|fixed repeat-y|Fixed, tile vertically";
        requires = "url_background_img_page";
    set background_properties_page = "scroll";

    property string background_position_page {
        des = "Page Background Position";
        values = "center|Centered|center left|Centered Vertically, Left|center right|Centered Vertically, Right|top center|Top, Centered Horizontally|top left|Top, Left|top right|Top, Right|bottom center|Bottom, Centered Horizontally|bottom left|Bottom, Left|bottom right|Bottom, Right";
        requires = "url_background_img_page";
    set background_position_page = "top left";

    property string url_background_img_box {
        des = "Content Box Background Image URL";
        note = "Leave this blank if you do not wish to use a background image.";
        palimg_transform = "tint;*clr_back"; # Doesn't do anything right now
        requires = "opt_page_background";
    set url_background_img_box = "";

    property string background_properties_box {
        des = "Content Box Background Image Display Options";
        values = "scroll|Scrolling, Tiled|scroll no-repeat|Scrolling, No repeat|scroll repeat-x|Scrolling, tile horizontally|scroll repeat-y|Scrolling, tile vertically|fixed|Fixed, Tiled|fixed no-repeat|Fixed, No repeat|fixed repeat-x|Fixed, tile horizontally|fixed repeat-y|Fixed, tile vertically";
        requires = "opt_page_background,url_background_img_box";
    set background_properties_box = "scroll";

    property string background_position_box {
        des = "Content Box Background Position";
        values = "center|Centered|center left|Centered Vertically, Left|center right|Centered Vertically, Right|top center|Top, Centered Horizontally|top left|Top, Left|top right|Top, Right|bottom center|Bottom, Centered Horizontally|bottom left|Bottom, Left|bottom right|Bottom, Right";
        requires = "opt_page_background,url_background_img_box";
    set background_position_box = "top left";

    property bool opt_entry_userpics {
        des = "Enable Userpics On Entries";
        note = "With this disabled, no entries will show userpics, even on the friends page.";
    set opt_entry_userpics = true;

    property bool opt_own_userpics {
        des = "Show Own Userpics";
        note = "Enable this to show userpics on your own entries. You must also have the previous option enabled. This option has no effect on community journals.";
        requires = "opt_entry_userpics";
    set opt_own_userpics = false;

    # This layout has quite a big stylesheet so let's avoid
    # transferring it over and over.
    set external_stylesheet = true;

    # No good support for EntryPage/ReplyPage yet
    set view_entry_disabled = true;

propgroup options {

    # Some standard constructional properties
    property use page_recent_items;
    property use page_friends_items;
    property use page_year_sortorder;
    property use page_day_sortorder;

    # Tell the system this layout has no linklist support
    # If you add linklist support in a user layer, you should also
    # set this property to true in your layer.
    set linklist_support = false;

propgroup text {
    property use text_post_comment;
    property use text_read_comments;
    property use text_post_comment_friends;
    property use text_read_comments_friends;

function makefontspec() : string
"Forms a CSS 'font-family' value based on the font-related properties."
    var string fontspec;
    if ($*font_base != "") {
        if ($*font_fallback != "") {
    return $fontspec;

function Page::lay_print_viewlinks()
"If you override this, be sure to still use foreach or your style won't support any future views."
    # Output a list of textual links in a particular order
    var bool first = true;

    "<ul class=\"navbar\">\n";
    foreach var string vl ($.views_order) {
        if ($vl == $.view) {
            print "<li class=\"active\">"+lang_viewname($vl)+"</li>\n";
        } else {
            print "<li><a href=\""+ehtml($.view_url{$vl})+"\">"+lang_viewname($vl)+"</a></li>\n";
       $first = false;

function Page::lay_print_heading()
"This can be overridden to change the main page titles to something else."
<div id="viewtitle">""";

    if ($.view == "recent" and $.global_subtitle != "") {
        print $.global_subtitle;
    } else {
        print $this->view_title();

    println """</div>""";


function Page::print() {
   """<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    if ($*external_stylesheet) {
        println """<link rel="stylesheet" href="$.stylesheet_url" type="text/css" />""";
    else {
        println """<style type="text/css">""";
        println """</style>""";

<body class="$.view">
<div id="page">
"""; $this->lay_print_viewlinks(); """

<div id="title">
"""; $this->lay_print_heading(); """

"""; $this->print_body(); """

<div id="serversig" style="margin-top: 3em; text-align: center;">"""; server_sig(); """</div>



function lang_skipped_back(RecentNav nav) : string
"Return short text saying how many entries have been skipped back. i18n layers should override this."
    return "Skipped Back $nav.skip";

## The properties for these links are currently broken
## in core - they were never updated to work with lang_map_plural.
# So, FIXME: When core does them right, remove the hardcoded English
function RecentPage::lay_print_skiplinks() {
    if ($.nav.backward_url != "" or $.nav.forward_url != "") {
        println """<ul class="viewspecnavbar">""";
        if ($.nav.backward_url) {
            println """<li><a href="$.nav.backward_url">Previous $.nav.backward_count</a></li>""";
        if ($.nav.skip > 0) {
            println "<li>"+lang_skipped_back($.nav)+"</li>";
        if ($.nav.forward_url) {
            println """<li><a href="$.nav.forward_url">Next $.nav.forward_count</a></li>""";
        println "</ul>";

function RecentPage::print_body() {


    foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {
        if ($e.new_day) {
            """<div class="day" id="day"""+$e.time->date_format("%%yyyy%%%%mm%%%%dd%%")+"\">\n";
        # Print the entry
        if ($e.end_day) {

    if (size $.entries > 0) {


function DayPage::print_body() {

    """<ul class="viewspecnavbar">\n""";
    "<li><a href=\"$.prev_url\">$*text_day_prev</a></li>\n";
    "<li><a href=\"$.next_url\">$*text_day_next</a></li>\n</ul>";

    if ($.has_entries) {
        "<div class=\"day\" id=\"dayyymmmmmdddd\">\n";

        foreach var Entry e ($.entries) {


        "<div class=\"skiplinks\">\n";
        "<a href=\"$.prev_url\">$*text_day_prev</a> - ";
        "<a href=\"$.next_url\">$*text_day_next</a>\n</div>";

    } else {


## YearPage Stuff
function YearPage::print_body {
    println """<div id="calendarmonthcontainer">""";
    foreach var YearMonth m ($.months) {
    println "</div>";
function YearPage::print_year_links() {
    """<ul class="viewspecnavbar">\n""";
    foreach var YearYear y ($.years) {
        if ($y.displayed) {
            """<li class="active">$y.year</li>\n""";
        } else {
            """<li><a href="$y.url">$y.year</a></li>\n""";
function YearPage::print_month(YearMonth m) {
    if (not $m.has_entries) { return; }
    """<table class="calendarmonth">\n
       <tr><th colspan="7" style="text-align: center;">""";
    print "<h2>"+$m->month_format()+"</h2>\n";
    foreach var int d (weekdays()) {
    foreach var YearWeek w ($m.weeks) {
    """<tr><td colspan="7" style="text-align: center;" class="calendarmonthlink">
        <a href="$m.url">$*text_view_month</a></td></tr>\n""";
function YearWeek::print() {
   """<tr valign="top" style="height: 3em;">\n""";
   if ($.pre_empty > 0) {
      """<td class="emptyday" colspan="$.pre_empty">&nbsp;</td>\n""";
   foreach var YearDay d ($.days) {
       """<td class="calendarday">\n""";
       """<div style="text-align: right;">$</div>\n""";
       if ($d.num_entries > 0) {
           """<div style="text-align: center;"><a href="$d.url">$d.num_entries</a></div>\n""";
   if ($.post_empty > 0) {
      """<td colspan="$.post_empty">&nbsp;</td>\n""";

function metadata_title(string which) : string
"Until core provides a function for this, i18n layers should override this."
    if ($which == "music") {
        return "Current Music";
    elseif ($which == "mood") {
        return "Current Mood";
    else {
        return $which;

# Since there's currently no trusted print_entry_text function
# in core, I have to do this here. Later, when something similar
# is added to core, this can become a wrapper and be deprecated.
function Page::lay_print_entry_text(Entry e) [fixed]
"Don't override this. All it does is print the entry text."
    print $e.text;

# Since the metadata keys have to be hardcoded (bad core design)
# let's separate this out so people can override print_entry
# and still get any new metadata added later.
function Page::lay_print_entry_metadata(Entry e)
"Overriding this is strongly discouraged, since if any new entry metadata is added in the future your overridden version will not support it."
    if (size $e.metadata > 0) {
        # This is horrible and unextensible. We have core to thank.
        # C'est la vie.
        "<div class=\"metadata\">\n";
        if ($e.metadata{"music"} != "") {
            """<div class="currentmusic"><span class="metacaption">"""+metadata_title("music") + ":</span> " +
        if ($e.metadata{"mood"} != "") {
            """<div class="currentmood"><span class="metacaption">"""+metadata_title("mood") + ":</span> ";
            if (defined $e.mood_icon) {
                print $e.mood_icon->as_string()+" ";
            print $e.metadata{"mood"}+"</div>\n";

function Page::print_entry(Entry e) {
    """<div class="entry" id="entry$e.itemid">\n""";

    var bool altposter = $e.poster.username != $e.journal.username;
    var bool showpic = $*opt_entry_userpics and (($.view == "friends" or $altposter) or $*opt_own_userpics);

    # By default, this layout uses an ugly table hack to present the userpic
    # alongside the entry. This is because I've been bitten on many previous
    # occasions by a bug with floats in IE causing text to vanish in certain
    # cases. You can set the property adv_horrible_userpic_markup to false
    # in a user layer to disable this behavior, but there are no CSS rules
    # in the stock stylesheet to handle it, so you'll have to supply your
    # own.

    if ($showpic) {
        if ($*adv_horrible_userpic_markup) {
            """<table cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0" style="margin: 0;" class="uglykludgeuserpic">
            <tr valign="top">
            <td style="text-align: center;" width="105">""";
        if (defined $e.userpic) {
            println """<img src="$e.userpic.url" width="$e.userpic.width" width="$e.userpic.height" alt="" class="userpic" />""";
        } else {
            if ($*adv_horrible_userpic_markup) {
                print "&nbsp;";
        if ($*adv_horrible_userpic_markup) {
    """<h2 class="entryheading">""";
    if ($.view != "day") {
        print $e.time->date_format()+" ";
    print $e.time->time_format();
    if ($.view == "friends") {
        " - "; $this->print_entry_poster($e);
    elseif ($altposter) {
        " - " + $e.poster->as_string();
    if ($ != "") {
        " - " + $e.security_icon->as_string();
    if ($e.subject != "") {
        " - $e.subject";
    "</h2>\n"; $this->lay_print_entry_text($e);


    if ($showpic and $*adv_horrible_userpic_markup) {

function CommentInfo::print {
    if (not $.enabled) { return; }
    """<ul class="entryextra">""";
    if ($.count > 0) {
        print """<li class="entryreadlink">""";
        println "</li>";
    print """<li class="entrypostlink">""";
    print "</li>";

function EntryPage::print_comment (Comment c) {
    var Color barlight = $*color_comment_bar->clone();
    $barlight->lightness(($barlight->lightness() + 255) / 2);
    var string poster = defined $c.poster ? $c.poster->as_string() : "<i>(Anonymous)</i>";

    "<div style='margin-top: 10px; padding: 2px'>";
    "<table summary='0' style='width: 100%;'><tr valign='top'>";
    if (defined $c.userpic and $*comment_userpic_style != "off") {
        var int w = $c.userpic.width;
        var int h = $c.userpic.height;
        # WARNING: this will later be done by the system (it'll be a
        # constructional property), so don't copy this hack into your
        # layout layers or you'll be messed up later.
        $w = $w / 2;
        $h = $h / 2;
        print "<td><img src='$c.userpic.url' width='$w' height='$h' alt='' /></td>";
    "<td align='left'>";
    if (defined $c.subject_icon or $c.subject != "") { "<h3>$c.subject_icon $c.subject</h3>\n"; }
    print "<strong>$*text_comment_from</strong> $poster<br />\n";
    print "<strong>$*text_comment_date</strong> ";
        print $c.time->date_format("long") + " - " + $c.time->time_format();
    if ($c.metadata{"poster_ip"}) { print " ($*text_comment_ipaddr " + $c.metadata{"poster_ip"} + ")"; }
    print " <strong>(<a href='$c.permalink_url'>$*text_permalink</a>)</strong>\n";

    var Link link;
    foreach var string s (["delete_comment", "screen_comment", "unscreen_comment"]) {

    $link = $c->get_link("delete_comment"); " $link";
    $link = $c->get_link("screen_comment"); " $link";
    $link = $c->get_link("unscreen_comment"); " $link";

    if ($this.multiform_on) {
        " <label for='ljcomsel_$c.talkid'>$*text_multiform_check</label> ";

    print "</td></tr></table></div>";
    print "<div style='margin-left: 5px'>$c.text</div>\n";
    print "<div style='margin-top: 3px; font-size: smaller'>(<a href='$c.reply_url'>$*text_comment_reply</a>) ";
    if ($c.parent_url != "") { "(<a href='$c.parent_url'>$*text_comment_parent</a>) "; }
    if ($c.thread_url != "") { "(<a href='$c.thread_url'>$*text_comment_thread</a>) "; }

function css_rule_if_set(string prop, string val)
"Print a CSS rule only if val is not an empty string."
    if ($val != "") {
        println "  $prop: $val;";

function custom_stylesheet()
"Override this in your user layer to add new stuff to the stylesheet"
    # None, by default

function print_stylesheet_for_printing()
"If you have printing styles enabled, you can override this function to change how the page is styled for printing."

    """    body, #page, a, a:link, a:visited, a:active, a:hover, #title, h2 {
        background: #ffffff;
        color: #000000;
    body {
        margin-top: 1em;
        margin-bottom: 1em;
        font-size: 12pt;
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;
        font-family: "Garamond", "Palatino", "Palatino Linotype", serif;
        max-width: 15cm;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, #title #viewtitle {
        font-family: "Frutiger", "Frutiger Linotype", "Helvetica", sans-serif;
        page-break-after: avoid;
    .entry {
        page-break-inside: avoid;
        text-align: justify;
    .calendarmonth {
        page-break-inside: avoid;
    #page {
        border: 0;
        margin: 0;
    .navbar, .entryextra, .viewspecnavbar {
        display: none;
    #title {
        display: block;
    #title h1, #title #viewtitle {
        display: inline;
    #title #viewtitle {
        margin-left: 2em;
        font-style: italic;

function print_stylesheet_for_projection()
"If you have projection styles enabled, you can override this function to change how the page is styled for projection."

   var string background_body = $*clr_margin;
   if ($*url_background_img_page != "" and not $*url_background_img_page->contains(")")) {
       $background_body = $background_body + " url($*url_background_img_page)";
       if (not $*background_properties_page->contains(";")) {
           $background_body = $background_body + " $*background_properties_page";
   else {
       $background_body = $background_body + " none";

   var string background_page = $*clr_back;
   if ($*url_background_img_box != "" and not $*url_background_img_box->contains(")")) {
       $background_page = $background_page + " url($*url_background_img_box)";
       if (not $*background_properties_box->contains(";")) {
           $background_page = $background_page + " $*background_properties_box";
   else {
       $background_page = $background_page + " none";

    """    #page {
        margin: 10px;
        padding: 0;
        border: 0;
        font-size: 2em;
    body {
        background: $background_body;
        color: $*clr_text;
    .navbar, .viewspecnavbar { display: none; }
    .entry, #title {
        page-break-after: always;
        margin: auto;
        padding: 10px;
        position: absolute;
        top: 10px;
        bottom: 10px;
        left: 10px;
        right: 10px;
    if ($*opt_page_border) {
        println """        border: 1px solid $*clr_line;""";
    if ($*opt_page_background) {
        println """        background: $background_page;""";
    "    }\n";

function print_stylesheet() {
   var string fontspec=makefontspec();
   if ($fontspec != "") {
       $fontspec="  font-family: $fontspec;";

   var string eextrastyle="";
   if ($*align_talklinks != "right") {
       """.entryextra:after { content: " :."; }\n""";
   if ($*align_talklinks != "left") {
       """.entryextra:before { content: ".: "; }\n""";
   """.entryextra { text-align: $*align_talklinks; font-size: 0.9em; }""";

   # This tries to do a bit of "sanity" checking to ensure users
   # don't inadvertently break the CSS, but it's not brilliant.
   var string background_body = $*clr_margin;
   if ($*url_background_img_page != "" and not $*url_background_img_page->contains(")")) {
       $background_body = $background_body + " url($*url_background_img_page)";
       if (not $*background_properties_page->contains(";")) {
           $background_body = $background_body + " $*background_properties_page";
       if (not $*background_position_page->contains(";")) {
           $background_body = $background_body + " $*background_position_page";
   else {
       $background_body = $background_body + " none";

   var string background_page = $*clr_back;
   if ($*url_background_img_box != "" and not $*url_background_img_box->contains(")")) {
       $background_page = $background_page + " url($*url_background_img_box)";
       if (not $*background_properties_box->contains(";")) {
           $background_page = $background_page + " $*background_properties_box";
       if (not $*background_position_box->contains(";")) {
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"""; css_rule_if_set("max-width", $*adv_entry_max_width);
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function print_theme_preview() {
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   # This tries to do a bit of "sanity" checking to ensure users
   # don't inadvertently break the CSS, but it's not brilliant.
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"""<div style="margin: 0; padding: 5px; border: 0; background: $background_body; color: $*clr_text; $fontspec font-size: $*font_size;">

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<div style="margin-top: 3em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; color: $*clr_title; background: transparent;">
<h1 style="font-size: 1.4em; font-weight: bold; text-align: $*align_title; margin: 0;">Joe's Journal</h1>
<div style="font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; text-align: $*align_title; margin: 0;">A magical world of milk and rectangles</div>


<div style="margin-bottom: 4em;">
<h2 style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.0em;">6/1/05 01:10 pm - Duis malesuada volutpat elit. Quisque.</h2>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse augue massa,
<span style="text-decoration: underline; color: $*clr_link; background: transparent;">sagittis eget</span>, venenatis at,
ornare at, erat. Praesent faucibus consectetuer nulla. Duis auctor justo at nisl. Nulla cursus. Pellentesque
tortor orci, sodales ut, commodo ut, luctus quis, felis. In a nunc. Morbi ullamcorper quam non tortor. Sed
vel tellus. Aliquam euismod rutrum elit. Aliquam dolor. Donec mollis scelerisque libero. Praesent auctor ante
vel metus. Nam ullamcorper facilisis mauris. Donec et mi ut eros feugiat hendrerit. Nam dignissim, lectus
tempor tempus imperdiet, ante urna feugiat ligula, non vestibulum massa mauris vitae massa. Nam eget velit.</p>





