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Saturday, May 10th, 2008

    Time Event
    Nippon no otosan
    Hello v.r.!

    Rotary Club members are visiting our campus to deepen friendship with you .
    They should be called "Nippon no otosan" because most of them are otosan, fathers, and
    they are the generation who contributed to boost the Japanese economy.
    They wish to make friends with you and invite you to their homes if possible in the future.

    At the party, freshly made sushi will be served directly from a professional sushi chef.

    Please enjoy chatting with otosans over nice food and drinks.
    Your active participation is highly appreciated.

    Let's meet Nippon no Otosan!!

    3-4pm: late lunch with sushi & bashamichi plates
    4-6pm: chat over drinks

    all the best,

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