vestules' Journal
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Tuesday, April 22nd, 2008

    Time Event
    Hi guys!
    I was talking with the office today and they told me kindly I really have to move out at some point since I am not a student anymore.
    So since I finally solved all my visa problems, I decided that the faster might also be the better. Plus we're getting to the time of the year where I should start to buy tomatoe plants, basil and other herbs for cooking so I'd rather put those directly on the window of a new house than take them along when I move out. I'd like to move out asap and since I'm very likely to leave japan in october I don't really feel like paying reikin shikikin and so on...depends on the rent.
    I'll be going to fudousan from tomorrow on, but if anyone knows of someone moving out-needing roomate or anything interesting just let me know.
    Since the office is definitely not threatening me of anything, the faster the better BUT no stress.

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