Versija ar neredzamiem..
Versija ar neredzamiem <span /> nestrādās mēneša lapā, jo tad nevar piekļūt pie ieraksta teksta.You could use the entry subjects instead, which can be used on the month view. You have to have a "page_month_textsubjects" property in your style though, so that HTML isn't removed from subjects on month view.
property use page_month_textsubjects;
set page_month_textsubjects = 0;
It's a
type of property, I don't remember how to correctly set the values for them. If '0' doesn't work, try 'false'. :)
I'm going to do this for my
muravei journal and I have a couple of other ideas I want to do there. (It's not paid yet, I want to figure out the details of the style before paying...)