I have finally made this work.. 

sestdien, 30.04.2005 @5:18 am | anonīms

I have finally made this work for comments too! See for instance: http://www.livejournal.com/users/camomiletea/66886.html?.topcomments=1

Some modifications were needed, but one user (cmshaw) has posted a small and useful bit of code that gets all comments, and then I could sort them:

function EntryPage::lay_comment_loop (Comment[] incoming, Comment[] stored) : Comment[]
   if (size $incoming == 0) { return $stored; }
   foreach var Comment c ($incoming)
     $stored[size $stored] = $c;
     $this->lay_comment_loop ($c.replies, $stored);
   return $stored;

(Ņem vērā, ka parasti neviens neizvēlas atbildēt uz pilnīgi anonīmiem komentāriem!)

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