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izmeta no universitātes! @ 09:55

[info]cannibalsmith posted in [info]sapnji:

University (don't magine a campus coz it's not). Classroom. Classtmates. Chemistry teacher from my highschool (not first time I see her in my dreams) hands out papers for access to exams or something. While she does it, I'm chatting with Gwaihir. At one point in this process he too goes to the teacher and gets his paper. Then handing-out is over and I notice I've been missed. Class disperses. I walk up to the teacher and tell her I was missed.
She: "Oh, well, let me congratulate you for you're only one to have been kicked out already." *shakes my hand*
I go outside, Gwaihir follows me. Outside we don't end up in the street, but on a walkway very high above the ground (think 5th Element). We walk and chat:
Me: "Oh well. At least I got freedom, heh. Hardest part will be breaking it to may parents."
Gwai: "Ah, don't worry."
Then his girlfrined (or wife or something?) comes and joins up with us. Now due her being rather short, I notice that Gwihir looks tall (big?). Other features might be inaccurate: tanned skin, dark hair. He runs up to a trashcan, drops something in it, and returns. We go on:
Me: "But why did you choose this university."
Gwai: "Because a gaming shop (MTG, DnD, etc.) is along the way from home."
Then we go to a restaurant/bar/pub/whatever. It's on the same level above the ground. After some fuss with getting in (some granny in a wheelchair was blocking the entrance) we find ourselves a table, and the dream interrupts. 9 am.

(Sapnis angliski, jo es viņu nopublicēju arī kādā ārzemju forumā, un slinkums pārrakstīt - tāpat visi šeit zin angļu valodu... es ceru... tā ir?)

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