
'Atlas Shrugged' by Ayn Rand

Apr. 26., 2011 | 11:31 am
posted by: sofia in quotes

"You must learn to take a philosophical attitude," said Dr. Simon Pritchett to a young girl student who broke down into sudden, hysterical sobs in the middle of a lecture. She had just returned from a volunteer relief expedition to a settlement on Lake Superior; she had seen a mother holding the body of a grown son who had died of hunger.
"There are no absolutes," said Dr. Pritchett. "Reality is only an illusion. How does that woman know that her son is dead? How does she know that he ever existed?"

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(bez virsraksta)

Apr. 26., 2011 | 05:15 pm
posted by: safe in quotes

“But even so, every now and then I would feel a violent stab of loneliness.
The very water I drink, the very air I breathe, would feel like long, sharp needles.
The pages of a book in my hands would take on the threatening metallic gleam of razor blades. I could hear the roots of loneliness creeping through me when the world was hushed at four o’clock in the morning.”
— Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle.

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