inteliģents vai romantiķis?
Apr. 9., 2006 | 12:00 am
posted by: aminta in quotes
Nekad nesarežģī to, ko var izdarīt vienkārši! Tā ir viena no vislielākajām dzīves gudrībām. Taču grūti realizējama. It īpaši inteliģentiem un romantiķiem!
~Ē. M. Remarks~
~Ē. M. Remarks~
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(bez virsraksta)
Apr. 9., 2006 | 06:41 pm
mood: skumjš
music: klusums
posted by: kinky in quotes
Kārtējo reizi pārliecinājos par Enčī Minas grāmatā "Imperatore Orhideja" rakstīto frāzi: "Liels koks pievelk stiprāku vēju."
Bet arī: "Sāpes dara labas lietas. Tās mūs sagatavo mieram." ir jauks citāts.
Bet arī: "Sāpes dara labas lietas. Tās mūs sagatavo mieram." ir jauks citāts.
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no the grim adventures of billy & mandy.
Apr. 9., 2006 | 08:43 pm
posted by: schiz in quotes
"romance is for weak-minded"
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Gavin Rossdale - Adrenaline
Apr. 9., 2006 | 10:33 pm
mood: burvīgi brīnišķs
music: Gavin Rossdale - Adrenaline
posted by: bulletproof in quotes
Adrenaline keeps me in the game.
Adrenaline you don't even feel the pain.
Wilder than your wildest dreams
When you're going to extremes,
It takes adrenaline.
Too much is not enough.
Nobody gave it up.
I'm not the kind
To lay down and die.
Adrenaline you don't even feel the pain.
Wilder than your wildest dreams
When you're going to extremes,
It takes adrenaline.
Too much is not enough.
Nobody gave it up.
I'm not the kind
To lay down and die.