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July 29th, 2011

[info]milk09:42 pm - Smaržas, smaržas, smaržas!
1. http://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Penhaligon-s/Violetta-4035.html
48ml palikushi 50 ml pudelee = 25 LVL.

2. http://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/John-Galliano/Parlez-Moi-d-Amour-10279.html
45ml palikushi 50 ml pudelee = 25 LVL (smarzho peec melleneem)

3. http://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Sonia-Rykiel/Belle-en-Rykiel-1475.html
74ml palikushi 75ml pudelee = 22 LVL (taa ir EDT versija, nevis EDP)

4. http://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Les-Nereides/Oriental-Lumpur-4275.html
97ml palikushi 100 ml pudelee = 30 LVL
[Like an luxurious fairy tale Oriental Lumpur kidnaps us to the palaces of India. A harshly spicy sweet scent, loved by both, women and men. Sandal-wood, spices and a hint of patchouli adulate the nose. Slightly smoky it encloses its carrier, compatibly for day and night.]

unisex, piestaavees abiem dzimumiem, jo tieshaam ir kkur "pa vidu". smarzho peec z-sveetkiem, austrumiem, garshvielaam, siltas un seksiigas + uz manas aadas turas liidz pat diennaktij.

savaakshana centrs/mezhciems/z-kalns.

pieteikties te vai uz EvaLiep@gmail.com

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