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Friday, January 21st, 2005
1:56 pm

Why Poland???

Midnight – 12 o clock. Bus stops again, at this time it’s for crossing border to Poland. As Latvia and Poland is in EU already for a 5 days, crossing border is not taking a long time. … border already is behind, I’m changing my clock to polish time, 12 o clock coming again… … early morning – Warszawa. I still have some time till opening of bus-station. Sun is rising, but its still little bit cold… …I still don’t know how, but I manage to by a ticket, I was waiting for a bus up to tow hours. I’m going to Wroclaw. Time to time I’m falling in a sleep, otherwise I’m trying to read advertisings on the street sides. I event manage to understand some of them… … afternoon. Early evening. I’m in Wroclaw. I’m little bit worried to not miss my stop, and if I will be able to reach somebody from my hosting organization (that I couldn’t manage from Warszawa)…
Hello my name is Andrejs and I’m was volunteer in such a nice city as Wroclaw in Poland. My project was long term project (9 month), but this is not going to be a story about my project. Today I would like to tell some expectations and results in volunteers life.

Six to twelve month being in other country is quite a lot. In this time you can get to know a lot of people, or just a people with whom you are working, so, of the lifestyle with you will chows depends how you will stay in memories in others people. Or they will say :” YES I know that volunteer… blablabla and so on and so on.” or that could be like:” .. that one..????? mmmm yes I think I saw him once, he was hiding on other side of fridge when I was there..” or something like that..
Well… from very beginning I chows the first possibility, but in truth all volunteers more or less taking first chose, cos’ I think that’s already a little bit crazy to change your nice country, where you understand quite a lot to unknown world where everything (starting from language) is new for you. I think that there is no necessary to talk about fact that you are already thrown in middle of nothing, and all what you can carry with you is your experience an knowledge’s from your previous life, and all what you will be able to take back will be all what you will learn in this country. So.. what I’m trying to tell you? Take from EVS as much as you can. Just trust me.. 

Beginning of EVS… nice feelings to new country, everything is new, you are feeling just like a baby, you are walking in a big world..
Going to shop you recognize that people not understanding you, so you learning basic sentences just to ask for a milk, bread, and some other useful stuff. You are speaking slowly, with lots of mistakes and strange accent. People smiling when they are listening to you, but that’s not cos’ they are making fun of you. Not at all. (from personal experience: I took longer holidays in my EVS, just to go back to my country to celebrate Christmas with my family. In this time I meet volunteers who are making EVS in my country. I heard how they are speaking in my language, they are really shy, but I can’t describe feelings which was inside me, that’s really great.) One of secrets to be loved in new country is to try to speak in they language (exactly… nobody is asking from you to speak fluently, but if u event will try… result is guaranteed ;)
Yea just remembered, that’s really important for all EVS volunteers. YOU should now your rights, and I mean all rights, like food money, and how much you should get as pocket money, and how long time you should work and all about holidays… why I’m saying that?? Just cos’ I met volunteers who don’t know that, and that’ s really sad . And if nobody giving to you this information you always can reed in internet, simplest way is to open google.com and write down “EVS volunteer rights” that’s works. :)

Of coarse I don’t want to do that, but in the end I will speak about something really sad.. leaving…
That’s truth, this is not a nice topic, but it dos not mean that it’s not existing. One of the saddest moment in EVS is when volunteers are leaving. When you are leaving its not a big deal, cos’ u are all the time with yourself, but when your fiends going away… and you know that some of them you will never see again, that is sad. So you are just walking around with your sad deem and thinking about meaning of life and where all this is going…

Mēs atnācām un kāds aiziet
Tad mēs aiziesim un nāks cits
Un tā tam, tā tam būs griezties
Kamēr pasaule sev vēl tic
(by Brainstorm)

So.. why Poland????
…and WHY NOT??

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Tuesday, November 23rd, 2004
12:41 pm

2 day sagou i come back from norway.. really nice coutry and only 50% more expensive then others european countries...

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Tuesday, November 16th, 2004
1:42 pm

tis is nice take a look

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Monday, November 15th, 2004
2:17 pm

ok! let it be 1-st post in this community..
here is just one rule... English language..
have nice day;)

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