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Friday, June 27th, 2003

    Time Event
    martini - translation
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    <font size="-1"><tt>(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)</tt></font>
    <big><font face="verdana" color="blue">martini</font></big>
    noun [C]
    1 an alcoholic drink which combines gin and vermouth
    2 TRADEMARK: Martini a type of vermouth

    <img width"220" height="150" src="" align="left">verb [R][T]
    1 to drink Martini or any other kind of exquisit drink (may be a coctail) with an insouciant and carefree look in ones eyes, usually also holding the little finger up. Usually this is done talking in smart-sounding cliches and feeling very important.
    ex: <I>John and Ken martinied the whole evening</I>

    Also known as leading a carefree life (for at least half a minute) and martiniing a lot.
    ex: <I>Being true martini people Kyle and Lisa have been martiniing for the last 10 years</I>

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