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Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009

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    There was a speech that GC gave before he fired someone. He was very proud of that speech.

    "Into each life," he began, "a little rain must fall. There's no cloud without a silver lining."

    "It's an ill wind," offered Spider, "that blows no one good."

    "Ah. Yes. Yes indeed. Well. As we pass through this vale of tears, we must pause to reflect that —"

    "The first cut," said Spider, "is the deepest."

    "What? Oh." GC scrabbled to remember what came next. "Happiness," he pronounced, "is like a butterfly."

    "Or a bluebird," agreed Spider.

    "Quite. If I may finish?"

    "Of course. Be my guest," said Spider, cheerfully.

    "And the happiness of every soul at the GCA is as important to me as my own."

    "I cannot tell you," said Spider, "how happy that makes me."

    "Yes," said GC.

    "Well, I better get back to work," said Spider. "It's been a blast though. Next time you want to share some more, just call me. You know where I am."

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