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Wednesday, August 1st, 2007
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1:43a |
"Gribēju tev ieteikt pamācīties no mana brāļa Metjū, džinglu sacerētāja. Ikreiz, kad viņš piezvana vai aizsūta faksu savam aģentam, viņi kaulējas par to, kam jāapēd fakss - jānoraksta tas kā komercizdevums. Tad nu es tev ieteiktu darīt to pašu ar saviem vecākiem. Apēd viņus. Pieņem viņus kā kaut ko, kas bijis nepieciešams, lai tiktu līdz šejienei, un turpini dzīvot savu dzīvi. Noraksti viņus kā komercizdevumus."
Rīgā izdots 2001. UPD - Amerikā - 1991.
Current Music: lhasa - los peces | 10:39p |
if there was anything that depressed him more than his own cynicism, it was that quite often it still wasn't as cynical as real life.
we've got along with the other guys for centuries, he thought. getting along has practically been all our foreign policy. now i think i've just heard us declare war on an ancient civilization that we've always got along with, more or less, even if they do talk funny. and after that, the world. what's worse, we'll probably win. |