astronomija - 24. Aprīlis 2005 [raksti|arhīvs|astronomi|par kopienu]

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[Links:| Debess Karte Kas, kur, kad? Mūsu Saules sistēma Eiropas Kosmosa Aģentūra Nacionālā Aeronautikas un Kosmosa Administrācija Žurnāls "Sky & Telescope" ]

24. Aprīlis 2005

[24. Apr 2005|15:38]


'Brane-Storm' Challenges Part of Big Bang Theory

Faster than you can say "Ekpyrotic Universe," a movement has taken hold -- albeit like fingers on a ledge of eternal skepticism -- that would blow one of the basic tenets of the Big Bang to smithereens.

Think parallel branes and five dimensions. Science never sounded so cool.
The new idea would not replace the Big Bang, which has for more than 50 years dominated cosmologists' thinking over how the universe began and evolved. But instead of a universe springing forth in a violent instant from an infinitely small point of infinite density, the new view argues that our universe was created when two parallel "membranes" collided cataclysmically after evolving slowly in five-dimensional space over an exceedingly long period of time.

... tālāk ... )

Dust devils scoot across Mars [24. Apr 2005|15:59]


[mūzika |Ozric Tentacles - Aura Borealis]

Rover snapshots catch whirlwinds in action.

Movies of dust-filled whirlwinds on Mars have been sent back by NASA's exploration rover, Spirit.

Up Close
Further Away

... tālāk ... )

[ viewing | 24. Aprīlis 2005 ]
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