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25 years of ambient music

March 4th, 2006

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12:59 pm
Solar Fields - 6.7 [256kbps, 8mb]
Solar Fields - Floating Channels [256kbps, 14mb]

Solar Fields is Magnus Birgersson from Gothenburg Sweden. With a past experience enriched by electronic collaborations Solar Fields is building a vivid sound universe, melting diverse ambient styles into psytrance or industrial drones. He has a global vision of ambient, at times atmospheric and psychedelic, at others rhythmic and groovy. Through his music Solar Fields cultivates paradox and amplifies contrasts between warmth and coldness, softness and tension, wide spaces and introspection. Still, with his unique mastery of sound climates, unity stands.

es tikai varu piebilst, ka šī mūzika man sniedz ārkārtīgu plašuma un dziļuma sajūtu reizē un tur mīt īpaši fantāziju pieskārieni. ar to arī viss ir pateikts.

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