ambient - April 3rd, 2006

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April 3rd, 2006

10:11 pm

Stars of the Lid - Low Level (Listening)+, Part 2 [192kbps, 12mb]
Stars of the Lid - Anchor States, Part 3 [192kbps, 9mb]

SotL utilized field recordings of McCafferty in his studio while he painted the cover for this album, which he did while listening to the music of previous SotL releases.

"The merging of color and sound is something we've thought about quite often. Why should the visual artist be confined to the packaging while the "musician" is in charge of the rest - especially when both dimensions may reflect back into each other. We wanted to craft a sound environment that is both true to Jon's painting as well as the larger New York context which envelopes his work." Per Aspera Ad Astra

Stars of the Lid

Where did the concept of a "rock guitar duo" come from?
"This question makes no sense. We do like guitars because they can sound not like guitars."

Is there an underlying transcendental motif in your music?
"No. We do hope to transcend what we don't like - especially the music scene in Austin."

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